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Томас Метцингер

2 См. Hobson J. A. et al. Dreaming and the brain: Toward a cognitive neuroscience of conscious states // Behavioral and Brain Sei. 23:793-842 (2000); и Revonsuo A. Inner Presence: Consciousness as a Biological Phenomenon. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2006.

3 См. Keller H. The World I Live In. New York: New York Review Books, 2003.

4 См. Bertolo H. et al. Visual dream content, graphical representation and EEG alpha activity in congenitally blind subjects // Cog. Brain Res. 15:277-284 (2003).

5 См. Schenck С. H. Violent Moving Nightmares / www. parasomniasrbd.com/; Olson E.J. et al., Rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder: Demographic, clinical, and laboratory findings in 93 cases // Brain 123:331-339 (2000); и Adler С. H., Thorpy M.J. Sleep issues in Parkinson’s disease // Neurology 64 (suppl. 3): 12-20 (2005).

6 См. Hobson et. al. Dreaming and the brain. (2000) для изучения проблемы более детально.

7 См. Eeden van F. A Study of dreams // Proc. Soc. Psychical Res. 26:431-461 (1913).

8 См. Fox O. Astral Projection. New Hyde Park, NY: University Books, 1962. Также цитируется в LaBerge S., Gackenbach J. Lucid dreaming / Etzel Cardena et al., eds., Varieties of Anomalous Experience: Examining the Scientific Evidence. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2000.

9 См. Tholey P. Schöpferisch träumen. Niedernhausen, Ger.: Falken Verlag, 1987.

10 См. LaBerge S., Rheingold H. Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming. New York: Ballantine, 1990.

11 См. LaBerge S. et al. Lucid dreaming verified by volitional communication during REM sleep // Perceptual and Motor Skills 52:727-732 (1981); and LaBerge S. et al. Psychophysiological correlates of the initiation of lucid dreaming // Sleep Res. 10:149 (1981).