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Иван Павлович Коновалов

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23. О бельгийском наемнике в Заире // ИТАР-ТАСС. Пульс планеты. 27.01.1997.

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29. Adams T. K. The Mercenaries and the Privatization of Conflict // Parameters. 1999. Summer.

30. Afganistan: una guerra «subcontratada» // BBC Mundo.


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32. Basis fo an All-African War? (Democratic Republic Congo) // Africa Researh Bulletin. 1998. Vol. 35. # 11.

33. BazziM. British Say Islamic Group Taught Combat Courses in U. S. // Newsday. 04.10.2001; Did «Jihad» Arms Courses visit U. S.? // MSNBC.com. 27.12.2001.

34. Berube C. Marine corps — Private Security companies and Piracy // Jane’s Intelligence Review. 13.02.2009.

35. Basu K. Private Military Companies on the ground in Afghanistan // New Delhi. 17.10.2001.

36. Biafra: The Mercenaries // Time Magazine. 25.10.1968.

37. Blanche E. Zairian army meeting stern rebel resistance // Jane’s Defence Weekly. 12.02.97.

38. Boyne S. Rebels repel Zaire counter-offensive // Jane’s Intelligence Review. 01.04. 1997.

39. Boyne S. The White legion: mercenary in Africa // Jane’s Intelligence Review. 01.06.98.

40. Bowles W. Tony Blair's Pet Bulldog? // ini/-0266.html.

41. Bradshaw J. The Man Who Would Be King; Pobert Denard // Esquire. 1979. March.

42. Breda J. The SAS: Prince Phillip’s manager of terrorism // Executive Intelligence Review. 13.10.1995.

43. Brown R.B., Macgregor S. Mercs Togo Mission-Assassinate the President // Soldier of Fortune. 1978. May.

44. Bullets for hire // The Economist. 17.11.2012.

45. Calvo H. Colombia’ privatized conflict // Le Mond Diplomatique. 30.12.2004.

46. Campbell D. Marketing the New «Dogs of War» // The Center for Public Integrity. 30.10.2002.

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48. CarrollR. Mercenary Life in Angola // Newsweek. 09.02.1976.

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51. The Congo: Trouble for the Mercenaries; Help for Rebels // Time. 09.01.1965.

52. Fitsanakis J. Did MI6, not CIA, kill Congolese Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba? // Intelnews. org. 05.04.2013.

53. France vs America in Africa // Jane's Foreign Report. 06.03.1997.