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Иван Павлович Коновалов

54. Herzog C. U. N. at Work: The Benin Affairs // Foreign Policy. Winter. 1977–1978.

55. Higgins D. Red Dragon: 1946 Hostage Rescue in the Congo // Modern War. 2014. # 9. January-February.

56. Daly J.C.K. Colombia, Israel and Rogue Mercenaries // ISN Security Watch. 09.03.2007.

57. De La Garza P., Adams D. Contract’s End Hints of Colombia Trouble // St. Petersburg Times. 13.05.2001.

58. An elite believing in terror as their creed // Tamil Guardian. 25.07.2001.

59. Frontline: private warriors // .

60. Gettleman J., Mazzetti M., Schmitt E. U.S. relies on contractors in Somalia conflict // The New York Times. 10.08.2011.

61. Glantz A. MercWar // (01.04.2004).

62. GordonM.R. Civilians to Take U.S. Lead as Military Leaves Iraq // New York Times. 18.08.2010.

63. Gomez I. U. S. Mercenaries in Colombia // .

64. Goulet Y. Mixing Business with Bullets // Jane’s Intelligence Review. 01.09.1997.

65. Goulet Y. MPRI: Washington’s freelance advisors // Jane’s Intelligence Review. 01.07.1998.

66. Goulet Y. DSL: Serving States and Multinationals // Jane’s Intelligence Review. 01.06.2000.

67. Hired Guns. Views About Armed Contractors in Operation Iraqi Freedom // .

68. Hirsh M. The Age of Irresponsibility. How Bush has created a moral vacuum in Iraq in which Americans can kill for free // Newsweek. 20.09.2007.

69. Ibekwe N. The mercenaries take over // 234next.com.

70. Isenberg D. Combat for Sale: The New, Post-Cold War Mercenaries. USA Today. 2000. March.

71. Ivory Coast mercenary warning // news.bbc.co.uk.

72. Kareem Fahim, Mai'a de la Baume. Head of French company is killed in Libyan city // The New York Times. 12.05.2012.

73. Kiley S. White legion' abandons Zaire // The Times. 15.02.1997.

74. Kinsey C. Private Security Companies: Agents of Democracy or Simply Mercenaries? In Private Military and Security Companies: Chances, Problems and Prospects / Ed/ by T. Jager? and G. Kummel. Wiesbaden, Germany: Vs Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften, 2007.

75. Larsson R. Hagstrom Frisell E.The Caucasian Litmus Test: Consequences and Lessons of the Russian- Georgian War in August 2008 // Swedish Defensce Research Agency.

76. The Last Dog of War // Playboy, South Africa. 1995. January.

77. LeDoux К.Е. LOGCAP 101: An Operational Planner’s Guide // Army Logistic University [].

78. Leech G and Fichtl E. Are they civilians or mercenaries? // .

79. Lowe C. The Hired Gun’s Hired Gun // stories/0207/2830.html (19.02.2007).

80. Mazetti M. C.I.A. Sought Blackwater’s Help to Kill Jihadists // New York Times. 19.08.2009.

81. Merle R. Census Counts 100,00 °Contractors in Iraq // Washington Post. 05.12.2006.

82. Mercenaries: Biafra's Fourth Commando Brigade // Time. 25.10.1968.

83. Mercenary logistics & today’s military operations // Ouatermaster. 1997. Summer.

84. Misser F., Versi. A. Soldier of fortune — mercenary as corporate executive // African Business. 01.12.1997.

85. Nyerere J. Foreign Troops in Africa // Africa Report. 1978. Ju-ly/August.