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Иван Павлович Коновалов

19. HoareM. Congo Mercenary. Paladin Press, 2008.

20. HoareM. Mercenary. Corgi Press, 1968.

21. HoareM. The Road to Kalamata. Paladin Press, 2008.

22. HoareM. Seychelles Affair. Paladin Press, 2008.

23. Holmqvist C. Private Security Companies // SIPRI Policy Paper. 2005. January. № 9.

24. Hooper J. Bloodsong! First Hand Accounts of a Modern Private Army in Action. Harpers Collins Publishers, 2002.

25. Isenberg D. A Fistful of Contractors: The Case for a Pragmatic Assessment of Private Military Companies in Iraq. British American Security Information Council, 2004.

26. Isenberg D. Soldiers of Fortune Ltd: Profile of Today's Private Sector Corporate Mercenary Firms. Washington DC: Center of Defense Information, 1997.

27. Geraghty T. Gun for Hire. Piatkus Books, 2007.

28. Geraghty T. Inside the SAS. Ballantine Books, 1980.

29. Goddard S.C. Private military company: a legitimate international entity within modern conflict. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 2001.

30. MacAleese, Bles M. No mean Soldier, The Autobiograpy of a Professional Fighting Man. Orion, 1993.

31. MacDougall D. G. The potential of private military corporation in hemispheric security and defense. Fort Lesley J. McNair, 2004.

32. Mallin J., Brown R. K. Merc: American Soldiers of Fortune. MacMillan Publishing Co, Inc. 1979.

33. Mathieu F., Dearden N. Corporate Mercenaries. War on Want, 2006.

34. Mercenaries: An Afican Security Diemma / Ed. by Abdel-Fatau Musah, J. Kayode Fayemi. Pluto Press, 2000.

35. McFate. The Modern Mercenary: Private Armies and What they Mean for World Order. Oxford University Press, 2015.

36. Mochkler A., The New Mercenary, The History of Mercenary from Congo to the Seychelles. Sidgwick and Jackson, 1985.

37. PeltonR.Y. Licensed to kill. Crown Publishers, 2006.

38. Private Military Companies: Options for Regulation. London: Stationery office, 2002.

39. Puren J, Pottinger B. Mercenary Commander. Galago, 1986.

40. Roberts A. The Wonga Coup: Guns, Thugs and a Ruthless Determination to Create Mayhem in an Oil-Rich Corner of Africa. Profile Books Ltd, 2006.

41. Rogers A. Someone Else's War. Harpers Collins Publishers, 1998.

42. Rosen F. Contract Warriors. ALPHA Books, 2005.

43. Scahill J. Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army. Nation Books, 2007.

44. Schramme J. Le Batallion Leopard. Paris: Laffont, 1969.

45. Shearer D. Private Armies and Military Intervention. Oxford University Press, 1988.

46. Singer P. W. Corporate Warriors. Cornell University Press, 2003.

47. Singer P W. The Private Military Industry and Iraq: What Have We Learned and Where to Next? Geneva Centre For the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 2004.

48. Spicer T. An Unorthodox Soldier. Mainstream Publishing, 1999.

49. Steiner R. Last Adventurer. Little. Brown and Company, 1978.

50. Seagrave S. Soldiers of Fortune. Time-Life Books, 1981.

51. Tickler P. The Modern Mercenary, Dog of War, or Soldier of Honour? Patrick Stephens, 1987.

52. Thomas G S. Mercenary Troops in Modern Africa. Westwiew Press, 1984.

53. Trinquier R. Notre Guerre au Katanga. Editions de la Pensee Mod-erne, 1963.