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Нирмалья Кумар


Carol Matlack, Rachael Tiplady. The Big Brands Gо Begging // Business Week, March 21, 2005, 18–19.


Adamy. Ваrе Essentials.


Charles Fishman. The Wal-Mart You Don’t Know // Fast Company, December 2003, 68.


Некоторые разделы этой главы написаны по результатам совместных исследовательских проектов авторов в сотрудничестве с компаниями. См. Katrijn Gielens, Jan-Benedict Е. М. Steenkamp. What Drives New Product Success? An Investigation Across Products and Countries // Working paper, Marketing Science Institute, Cambridge, МА, 2004; Jan-Benedict Е. М. Steenkamp, Steven М. Вurgess. Optimum Stimulation Level and Exploratory Consumer Behavior in an Emerging Market // International Journal of Research in Marketing 19 (June 2002), 131–150; Jan-Benedict Е. М. Steenkamp, Katrijn Gielens. Consumer and Market Drivers of the Trial Probability of New Consumer Packaged Goods // Journal of Consumer Research 29 (December 2003): 368–384; Jan-Benedict Е. М. Steenkamp, Frenkel ter Hofstede, Michel Wedel. А Cross-National Investigation into the Individual and National Cultural Antecedents of Consumer Innovativeness // Journal оf Marketing 63 (April 1999): 55–69.


Jeremy Grant. An Own-Label Lesson for Bean-Counters // Financial Times, March 11, 2005.


Расчеты авторов на основе данных годового отчета компании Campbell Soup за 2005 г. =.


John D. Cook, Pantelis А. Georgiadis. Packaged Goods: It’s Time to Focus on Product Development // McKinsey Quarterly 2, 1997, 91–99.


Shlomo Kalish, Vijay Mahajan, Eitan Muller. Waterfall and Sprinkler New-Product Strategies in Competitive Global Markets // International Journal of Research in Marketing 12 (June 1995): 105–119.


Eric J. Swetsky. The Dangers of Ме-Tooism. FindLaw. .


Eric J. Swetsky. The Dangers of Ме-Tooism. FindLaw. .


Albert Heijn Gives In // Shield Mark Nieuwsbrief 2005, 2.


Simon Pitman. Procter & Gamble Files Lawsuit over Mouth Rinse // Cosmeticsdesign.com, February 17, 2006. .


Jean-Noel Kapferer. Stealing Brand Equity: Measuring Perceptual Confusion Between National Brands and Copycat Own-Label Products // Marketing and Research Today, Мау 1995, 96–103; Jean-Noel Kapferer. Brand Confusion: Empirical Study of а Legal Concept // Psychology & Marketing, September 1995, 551–568.


Jeremy Grant. Kraft Cooks Up Strategic Innovations // Financial Times, Мау 17, 2005, 21.


Более подробно см. Nirmalya Кumar. Marketing as Strategy: Understanding the СЕОs Agenda for Driving Growth and Innovation. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2004, глава 5.


Nirmalya Kumar. Kill а Brand, Веер а Customer // Harvard Business Review, December 2003, 86–95.