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Николай Владимирович Ссорин-Чайков

Dwyer R. (2010a). Bombay Gothic: 60 years of Mahal / The mansion, dir. Kamal Amrohi, 1949 // Beyond the boundaries of Bollywood: the many forms of Hindi cinema / R. Dwyer and J. Pinto (eds.). Delhi: Oxford University Press (forthcoming).

Dwyer R. (2010b). «Zara hatke!»: The new middle classes and the segmentation of Hindi cinema // India’s new middle classes / H. Donner and G. de Neve (eds.). (No further details.)

Dwyer R. and Patel D. (2002). Cinema India: the visual culture of the Hindi film. London: Reaktion / New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press / Delhi: Oxford University Press.

Dyer R. (1977). Entertainment and utopia // Movie. № 24. Spring. P. 2–13.

Dyer R. (1979). Stars. London: British Film Institute.

Dyer R. (1986). Heavenly bodies: film stars and society. London: British Film Institute.

Dyer R. (1998). Stars. Supplementaiy chapter by Paul McDonald. London: British Film Institute.

Ekman P. and Davidson R. J. (1994) The nature of emotion: fundamental questions. New York: Oxford University Press.

Ehrenriech B. (2010) Smile or die: how positive thinking fooled America and the world. London: Granta.

Ellis J. (1992). Visible fictions: cinema, television, video. London: Routledge. (First edition 1982).

Elsaesser Th. (1985). Tales of sound and fury: observations on the family melodrama // Nichols B. Movies and methods. Berkeley: University of California Press. Vol II. P. 165–189. Reprinted 1972.

Elster J. (1999). Alchemies of the mind: rationality and the emotions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Emotion and the arts / H. Mette and S. Laver (eds.). Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997.

Evans D. (2001). Emotion: the science of sentiment. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Faking it: the sentimentalisation of modern society / D. Anderson and P. Mullen (eds). London: Penguin, 1998.

Feagin S. L. (1983). The pleasures of tragedy // American Philosophical Quarterly. № 95. P. 104.

Fisher Ph. (2002). The vehement passions. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Foley M. (2010). The age of absurdity: why modern life makes it hard to be happy. London: Simon h Schuster.

Frey W. H. (1985). Crying: the mystery of tears. Minneapolis: Winston Press.

Frijda N. H. (1986). The emotions. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Gandhi M. K. (1909, 1997). Hind swaraj and other writings / Ed. A. J. Parel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Gilbert D. (2006). Stumbling on happiness. London: Harper Collins.

Goldie P. (2000). The emotions: a philosophical exploration. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Graham C. (2009). Happiness around the world: the paradox of happy peasants and miserable millionaires. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Grodal T. (1997). Moving pictures: a new theory of film genres, feelings and cognition. New York: Oxford University Press.

Haidt J. (2007). The happiness hypothesis: putting ancient wisdom and philosophy to the test of modem science. London: Heinemann.