Читать «Английский с Уилки Коллинзом. Женщина из сна / Wilkie Collins. The Dream Woman» онлайн - страница 151

Уильям Уилки Коллинз

Is rounded with a sleep (окружена сном).”

 The river was dragged – without result. It remains doubtful to this day whether she died by drowning or not. The one thing certain is – that Alicia Warlock was never seen again.

So – beginning in mystery, ending in mystery – the Dream Woman passes from your view. Ghost; demon; or living human creature – say for yourselves which she is. Or, knowing what unfathomed wonders are around you, what unfathomed wonders are in you, let the wise words of the greatest of all poets be explanation enough:

“We are such stuff

As dreams are made of, and our little life

Is rounded with a sleep.”



Narrative – рассказ, повесть.


Introductory – вступительный, вводный; предварительный; statement – заявление; изложение; fact – факт, обстоятельство.


Statement – высказывание; заявление; /юр./ показания.