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Джон М. У. Смит

My website (мой веб-сайт) is jmwsmith.webeden.co.uk, and my email (а моя электронная почта) is [email protected]. I would love to have your feedback very much (я был бы очень рад получить ваши отзывы; to love – любить; would love – хотел бы; to have – иметь, обладать; feedback – отклик, отзыв, ответная реакция; обратная связь; very – весьма, очень; much – много; очень, сильно)! And I would also be more than happy (я и также был бы более чем счастлив) to answer any questions from you (ответить на любые ваши вопросы: «любые вопросы от вас»).

I am honoured to be having my stories translated into Russian. We, in the UK, regard Russia as a great country with a rich literary history. I have always admired Russian writers, and there are so very many great ones who have been translated into English and whom I have read. Sadly, I do not come anywhere close to being as great as them, but I still hope my stories will make you, the reader in far-off Russia, smile and think about the lessons to be learned within them. Thank you for taking the time to read them, and may I also thank Katerina Komissarova for the enthusiasm and encouragement she has given me during the translation process.

My website is , and my email is . I would love to have your feedback very much! And I would also be more than happy to answer any questions from you.

John M. W. Smith

Learner Driver

(Уроки вождения)

Maggie hit the brakes (Мэгги ударила по тормозам) and brought the car screeching to a halt (и со скрежетом остановила машину; halt – остановка; to bring to a halt – остановить; to screech – скрипеть, визжать, скрежетать). She had overshot the give-way lines (она пересекла разметку «уступи дорогу»; to overshoot – промахнуться; пересечь границу; проскочить; to give way – уступать дорогу; line – линия; разметка). Cars whizzed by (машины со свистом проносились мимо; to whizz – просвистеть; пронестись со свистом; промчаться с грохотом), honking reproachfully (укоризненно сигналя; to reproach – упрекать). Paul looked shaken (Пол выглядел испуганным; to shake – трясти, встряхивать; сотрясать; волновать, потрясать).

‘Keep your eyes on the road, will you (держи свои глаза на дороге = следи за дорогой, будь добра),’ he quavered (сказал он дрожащим голосом; to quaver – дрожать /о голосе/; говорить дрожащим голосом).

Maggie hit the brakes and brought the car screeching to a halt. She had overshot the give-way lines. Cars whizzed by, honking reproachfully. Paul looked shaken.

‘Keep your eyes on the road, will you,’ he quavered.