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Игорь Николаевич Осиновский

106. Mc. Cutcheon E. Denying the Contrary: More’s Use of Litotes in Utopia. — Essential Articles for the study of Thomas More, ed. R. S. Sylvester and G. Marc’hadour. Hamden, Connecticut, 1977.

107. More C. The Life of Sir Thomas More. London, 1726.

108. Moreana. 1478–1945. A preliminary check list of material by and about St. Thomas More. By F. Sullivan and M. P. Sullivan. Kansas City, 1946.

109. Moreana. Materials for the Study of Saint Thomas More. By Frank and Majie Padberg Sullivan. Los Angeles, 1964.

110. Morton A. L. The English Utopia. London, 1952.

111. Onken H. Die Utopia des Thomas Morus und Machtproblem in der Staatslehre. Heidelberg, 1922.

112. Onken H. Nation und Geschichte. Berlin, 1935.

113. Pineas R. Thomas More and Tudor Polemics. London, 1968.

114. Prevost A. Thomas More et la crise de la pensee europeenne. Lille, 1969.

115. Reynolds E. E. The Trial of St. Thomas More. London, 1964.

116. Reynolds E. E. Thomas More and Erasmus. London, 1965.

117. Reynolds E. E. The Field in Won. The Life and Death of St. Thomas More. London, 1968.

118. Ro: Ba: The Life of Syr Thomas More, Sometymes Lord Chancellour of England by Ro: Ba: Ed. E. V. Hitchcock and P. E. Hallett with additional notes and appendixes by A. W. Reed. London, 1950.

119. Roper W. The Lyfe of Sir Thomas Moore, knighte, ed. E. V. Hitchcock. Oxford, 1935.

120. Routh E. M. G. Sir Thomas More and his Friends (1477–1535). London, 1935.

121. Sargent D. Thomas More. New York, 1948.

122. Saulnier V. L. Mythologies Pantagrueliques. L’Utopie en France: Morus et Rabelais. — Les Utopies a la Renaissance. Bruxelles — Paris, 1963.

123. Schoeck R. J. More, Plutarch, and King Agis: Spartan History and the Meaning of Utopia. — Philological Quarterly, 1956, N 35.

124. Schoeck R. J. Sir Thomas More, Humanist and Lawyer. — University of Toronto Quarterly, 1964, N 26.

125. Schoeck R. J. A Nursery of Correct and Useful Institutions. On Reading More’s Utopia as Dialogue. — Moreana, 1969, N 22.

126. Seebohm F. The Oxford Reformers. Colet, Erasmus and More. London, 1887.

127. Smith P. Erasmus. A Study of His Life, Ideals and Place in History. New York, 1962.

128. Stapleton Th. Thoma Stapletono Tres Thomae Dvaci, 1588.

129. Stapleton Th. The Life and illustrous Martyrdom of Sir Thomas More. In the translation of P. E. Hallett. Ed. and annotated E. E. Reynolds. London, 1966.

130. St. Thomas More, Action and Contemplation, ed. R. S. Sylvester. Yale University Press, 1972.

131. Surtz E. The Praise of Pleasure. Philosophy, Education, and Communism in More’s Utopia. Cambridge (Massachusetts), 1957.

132. Surtz E. Praise of Wisdom. Chicago, 1957.

133. Sylvester R. S. «Si Hitlodaeo Credimus»: Vision and Revision in Thomas More’s Utopia. — Essential Articles for the study of Thomas More. Hamden, Connecticut, 1977.

134. Sylvester R. S. Thomas More: Humanism in Action. — Ibidem.

135. Thirsk J. The Agrarian History of England and Wales. 1500–1640, vol. IV. Cambridge, 1967.