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Игорь Николаевич Осиновский

71. Becker H., Barnes H. Social Thought from Lore to Science, vol. 1. New York, 1961.

72. Bisinger J. Der Agrarstaat in Platons Gesetzen. Leipzig, 1925.

73. Bridgett Т. E. Life and Writings of Sir Thomas More. London, 1891.

74. Chambers F. R. W. Thomas More. London, 1935.

75. Colet J. Two Treatises on the Hierarhies of Dionysius, tr. and ed. J. H. Lupton. London, 1869.

76. Colet J. An exposition of St. Paul’s epistle to the Romans. London, 1873.

77. Erasmus. Opera Omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami, 10 vols. Lugduni Batavorum, 1703–1706.

78. Erasmus, Desiderius. Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami, ed. P. S. Allen, H. M. Allen, 12 vols. Oxford, 1906–1958.

79. Essential Articles for the study of Thomas More, ed. R. S. Sylvester and G. Marc’hadour. Hamden, Connecticut, 1977.

80. Fleisher M. Radical Reform and Political Persuasion in the Life and Writings of Thomas More. Geneve, 1973.

81. Froude J. A. Life and Letters of Erasmus. London, 1895.

82. Gibson R. W., Patrick J. M. St. Thomas More: A Preliminary Bibliography of His Works and Moreana to the Year 1750. New Haven — London, 1961.

83. Gury J. Thomas More traduit par Thomas Rousseau ou une Utopie pour le club des Jacobins. — Moreana, 1976, vol. XVIII, N 49.

84. Hall E. The Triumphant Reign of King Henry VIII, 2 vols. London, 1904.

85. Harpsfield N. The life and death of Sir Thomas Moore, knight, sometymes Lord high Chancellor of England, ed. E. V. Hitchcock. Oxford, 1932.

86. Herbruggen H. S. Sir Thomas More, Neue Briefe. Munster, 1966.

87. Hexter J. H. More’s Utopia, the Biography of an Idea. Princeton, 1952.

88. Hexter J. H. The Vision of Politics on the Eve of the Reformation. London, 1973.

89. Hogrefe P. The Sir Thomas More circle. A program on ideas and their impact of secular drama. Urbana, 1959.

90. Hollis Ch. Thomas More. London, 1934.

91. Huizinga J. Erasmus and the Age of Reformation. New York, 1957.

92. Johnson R. S. More’s Utopia, Ideal and Illusion. New Haven — London, 1969.

93. Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic of the Reign of Henry VIII, 21 vols., ed. J. S. Brewer and J. Gairdner. London, 1862–1910.

94. Lewis C. S. English Literature in the Sixteenth Century. Oxford, 1954.

95. Lupton J. H. A life of John Colet. London, 1909.

96. Luther M. D. Martin Luthers Werke. Weimar, 1883.

97. Luther M. Luthers Werke in Auswahl. Unter Mitwirkung von Albert Leitzmann herausgegeben von Otto Clemen. Bonn, 1912–1913.

98. Mackie J. D. The Earlier Tudors. Oxford, 1962.

99. Marc'hadour G. L’Univers de Thomas More. Paris, 1963.

100. Marc'hadour G. Thomas More et la Bible. Paris, 1969.

101. Marc'hadour G. The Bible in the Works of Thomas More, pt. I–V. Nieuwkoop, 1969–1972.

102. Marc'hadour G. Thomas More on la sage folie. Paris, 1971.

103. Marius R. C. Thomas More’s View of the Church. — The Complete Works of St. Thomas More, vol. 8, pt. III, 1973.

104. Maynard T. Humanist as Hero. The Life of Sir Thomas More. New York, 1947.

105. Mc. Conica J. K. English Humanists and Reformation Politics. Under Henry VIII and Edward VI. Oxford, 1965.