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Сара Ньюмен

One two, buckle my shoe,

Three four, knock on my door

Five six, pick up sticks

Seven eight, tay them straight

Nine ten, big fat hen.

Five fat sausages sizzling in a pan

One went pop and then it went bang.

Four fat sausages…

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mummy called the doctor and this is what he said

«No more monkeys jumping on the bed».

Four little monkeys etc.

One two three four five

Once I caught a fish alive

Six seven eight nine ten

Then I let it go again

Why did you let it go

Because it bit my finger so

Which finger did it bite

This little finger on the right.

Ten green bottles hanging on the wall

Ten green bottles hanging on the wall

And if one green bottle should accidentally fall

There’d be nine green bottles hanging on the wall.

One man went to mow, went to mow a meadow

One man and his dog went to mow a meadow

Two men went to mow, went…

This old man, he played one, he played nick nack on my drum

With a nick nack paddywack give the dog a bone

This old man went rolling home.

This old man he played two, he played.

Tw o – shoe

Three – tree

Four – door

Five – hive

Six – on his sticks

Seven – up in heaven

Eight – gate

Nine – line

Te n – hen

One potato, two potato, three potato, four

Five potato, six potato, seven potato more.

Five currant buns in the baker’s shop

Big and round, with a cherry on the top

Along came a boy with a penny in his hand

He bought one bun and took it right away.

Four currant buns in the baker’s.

I can play peek-a-boo

Are you there? Yes I am

Are you there? Yes I am

Peek-a peek-a peek-a peek-a booooo.

Row, row, row your boat gentty down the stream

Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream.

See-saw Margery Daw

Johnny shall have a new master

He shall have but a penny a day

Because he can’t work any faster.

Horsey, horsey don’t you stop

Just let your feet go clippety clop

Your tail goes swish and your wheels go round

Giddy up we’re homeward bound.

This is the way the ladies ride

Trot trot trot

This is the way the farmer rides

Hobble dee hoy, Hobble dee hoy

This is the way the plough boys ride

A-gallop a-gallop and into the ditch.

Bumpty bumpty bumpty bump

As if I was riding my charger

Bumpty bumpty bumpty bump

As proud as an Indian Rajah

All the girls declare

That I’m a gay old stager

Hey, hey clear the way

Here comes the galloping major.

Have you ever ever ever in your long legged life

Seen a long legged sailor with a long legged wife

No I’ve never never never in my long legged life

Seen a long legged sailor with a long legged wife.

Tickling games

Round and round the garden like a teddy bear

One step, two steps and tickle you under there.

This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed at home

This little piggy had roast beef and this little piggy had none

And this little piggy cried wee wee wee all the way home.

Knee Rides

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king’s horses and alt the king’s men couldn’t put