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Роберт Льюис Стивенсон

tremendous [trI`mendqs] explosion [Ik`splquZn] fugitive [`fjHGItIv] chine [CaIn]

Then all of a sudden there was a tremendous explosion of oaths and other noises — the chair and table went over in a lump, a clash of steel followed, and then a cry of pain, and the next instant I saw Black Dog in full flight, and the captain hotly pursuing, both with drawn cutlasses, and the forme’ streaming blood from the left shoulder. Just at the door, that captain aimed at the fugitive one last tremendous cut, which would certainly have split him to the chine had it not beer intercepted by our big signboard of Admiral Benbow. You may see the notch on the lower side of the frame to this day.

That blow was the last of the battle (этот удар был концом схватки = на том все и кончилось). Once out upon that road (выскочив на ту дорогу; once — раз, как только; out — вне, снаружи), Black Dog, in spite of his wound (Черный Пес, несмотря на свою рану), showed a wonderful clean pair of heels (показал ловкую: «чистую» пару пяток = только пятки его сверкали, убегал очень быстро), and disappeared over the edge of the hill in half a minute (и исчез за кромкой холма в полминуты). The captain, for his part (капитан, со своей стороны; part — часть, роль), stood staring at the signboard like a bewildered man (стоял, таращась на вывеску, словно озадаченный человек = остолбенело; bewildered — смущенный, сбитый с толку). Then he passed his hand over his eyes several times (затем он провел рукой по глазам несколько раз: «времен»; to pass over — переправлять, пропускать), and at last turned back into the house (и, наконец, вернулся в дом).

“Jim,” says he, “rum (рому);” and as he spoke (когда он говорил = при этих словах), he reeled a little and caught himself with one hand against the wall (он покачнулся немного и поймал себя одной рукой у стены = оперся рукой о стену).

“Are you hurt (вы ранены)?” cried I.

wonderful [`wAndqfl] edge [eG] bewildered [bI`wIldqd] hurt [hq:t]

That blow was the last of the battle. Once out upon that road, Black Dog, in spite of his wound, showed a wonderful clean pair of heels, and disappeared over the edge of the hill in half a minute. The captain, for his part, stood staring at the signboard like a bewildered man. Then he passed his hand over his eyes several times, and at last turned back into the house.

“Jim,” says he, “rum;” and as he spoke, he reeled a little and caught himself with one hand against the wall.

“Are you hurt?” cried I.