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М. О. Сидоров

Таблиця 7.1

Таблиця 7.2

Продовження таблиці 7.2


1. Basilli V.R. Viewing Maintenance as Reuse-Oriented Software Development/V.R. Basilli //IEEE Software. 1990. - June. -P. 19-25.

2. Boehm B.W. Improving Software Productivity / B.W. Boehm // Computer. - 1987. - Vol. 20, n.9. - P. 43 - 57.

3. Boehm B.W. Software Engineering Economics / B.W. Boehm - Englewood Cliffs, Ш.: Prentice-Hall, 1981. - 257 p.

4. Boehm B.W. Spiral Model of software Development and Enhancement / B.W. Boehm // Computer. - 1988, - May. - P. 71 - 73.

5. Bosch J. Design and use of software architectures / J. Bosch. -Addison Wesley, 2000. - 325 p.

6. Black R. Critical Testing Processes / R. Black. - Addіson-Wesley, 2003.

7. Вlum В.A. Taxonomy of Software Development Methods / B.A. Blum // Coinmunication of the ACM. - 1994. - Vol. 37, n. 11,-Р. 82 - 94.

8. Budgen D. Software design: Reading / D. Budgen. - Addison-Wesley, 1994.-320 p.

9. Fenton K. Software Metrics: A Rigorous Approach / K. Fenton, E. Norman. - London: Chapman & Hall, 1991. — 638 p.

10. Glass R.L. Extrime programming the good, the bad. and the bottom line / R.L. Glass // IEEE. Software. - 2001, - Vol.18, n.7. - P.ll -P. 112,- 111 - 112.

[\. Georgiadou E. Software Process and Product Improvement: A Historical Perspective / E. Georgiadou // Кибернетика и системный анализ. - 2003. № 1, - P. 147 - 177,

12. Jacobson I. The Unified Software Development Process / I. Jacobson, G. Booch, J. Rumbaugh. - Addison-Wesley, 1999. - 310 p.

13.Jonsson P. Software Reuse. Architecture. Process and Organization for Business Success. Person Education Asia / P. Jonsson. - 2002. — 497 p.

14. Martin J. Rapid Application Development / J. Martin. -Macmillan, 1991. -250 p.

15. Perry D. Models of Software Development Environments / D. Perry, G. Kaiser // IEEE Trans. On Soft. Engin. - 1991. - Vol. 17, n. 3.-P. 283-295.

16. Pricto-Diaz R. Domain Analysis: An Introduction II Software engineering notes /R. Pricto-Diaz. - 1990. - Vol, 15, №. 2.- P. 47 - 54.

17. Railich V. Software cultures and evolution / V. Railich, N. Wilde // Computer. 2001. - Sept. - P.25 - 28.

IS. Rombach H.D, Software specifications: a framework / H. D. Rombach. - Carnegie mullon Univ: SET, 1990. - 30 p.

19. Rajlich W. A stage Model for the Software Life Cycle / W. Rajlich, K. Bennett // Computer. - 2000. - July. - P. 77 - 70.