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Илья Франк
‘You had better take him home,’ said the ‘Stute Fish to the Whale. ‘I ought to have warned you that he is a man of infinite-resource-and-sagacity.’
So the Whale swam and swam and swam (и Кит поплыл, и плыл, и плыл), with both flippers and his tail (/работая/ обоими плавниками и /своим/ хвостом), as hard as he could for the hiccoughs (изо всех сил, насколько ему позволяла икота: «так упорно, как он мог из-за икоты»); and at last he saw the Mariner’s natal-shore and the white-cliffs-of-Albion (и наконец он увидел родной берег Моряка и белые утесы Альбиона), and he rushed half-way up the beach (и он выбросился наполовину на пляж), and opened his mouth wide and wide and wide (и распахнул свой рот широко-широко-широко), and said (и сказал), ‘Change here for Winchester, Ashuelot, Nashua, Keene, and stations on the Fitchburg Road (/здесь/ пересадка на Винчестер, Эшуэло(т), Нэшуа, Кин и станции по Фитчбургской Дороги =
By means of a grating (посредством решетки) I have stopped your ating (я прекратил твое обжорство).
So the Whale swam and swam and swam, with both flippers and his tail, as hard as he could for the hiccoughs; and at last he saw the Mariner’s natal-shore and the white-cliffs-of-Albion, and he rushed half-way up the beach, and opened his mouth wide and wide and wide, and said, ‘Change here for Winchester, Ashuelot, Nashua, Keene, and stations on the Fitchburg Road;’ and just as he said ‘Fitch’ the Mariner walked out of his mouth. But while the Whale had been swimming, the Mariner, who was indeed a person of infinite-resource-and-sagacity, had taken his jack-knife and cut up the raft into a little square grating all running criss-cross, and he had tied it firm with his suspenders (