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Лиза Сандерс

Centor RM. Should Lemierre’s syndrome re-emergence change pharyngitis guidelines? Manuscript from author.

Singhal A, Kerstein MD. Lemierre’s syndrome. Medscape. 2001; 94(9):886–87. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/410830

Как и презентации доктора Фицджеральд: Hunter KM. Doctors’ Stories: The Narrative Structure of Medical Knowledge. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1991.

Она целый год проводила опросы пациентов относительно их пребывания в больницах: Anderson A. On the Other Side: African Americans Tell of Healing. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2001.

Глава 3: Исчезающее искусство

Мужчина пятидесяти лет был доставлен в отделение неотложной помощи: Jauhar S. The demise of the physical exam. N Engl J Med. 2006; 354:548–551.

Большинство врачей, уже практикующих в кардиологии: Mangione M, Nieman LZ, Kaye D, Gracely E. The teaching and practice of cardiac auscultation during internal medicine and cardiology training: a nationwide survey. Annal Int Med. 1993; 119(1):46–54.

Если бы им пришлось сдавать экзамен: Mangione S, Nieman LZ. Pulmonary auscultatory skills during training in internal medicine and family practice. Am J Resp & Crit Care Med. 1999; 159(4 pt 1):1119–1124.

Ординаторы, их наставники-терапевты: Vukanovic-Criley JM, Criley S, et al. Competency in cardiac examination skills in medical students, trainees, physicians and faculty. Arch Int Med. 2006; 166:610–616.

Возможно, предположил Маджоне: Mangione S. Teaching and practice of cardiac auscultation during internal medicine and cardiology training. Ann Int Med. 1993; 119(1):47–54.

Mangione S, Nieman L. Pulmonary auscultatory skills during training in internal medicine and family practice. Am J Resp Crit Care. 1999; 159:1119–1124.

Mangione S, Duffy FD. The teaching of chest auscultation in primary care training: has anything changed in the 1990’s. Chest. 2003; 124(4):1430–1436.

Если в 1980-х годах средняя продолжительность госпитализации: Chassin MR. Variations in length of stay: their relationship to health outcomes. Report for the Office of Technical Assessment, U.S. Congress, Washington, D.C., 1983.

По данным последних исследований, проведенных в Йеле: Private communication, John Moriarty, Associate Program Director, Yale Tradition, Internal Medicine Residency Program.

В 1950-е от нее скончалось около 15 000 пациентов: http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=4712

В исследовании, опубликованном в 2002 году: McGreevy KM, et al. Clinical breast examination – practices among women undergoing screening mammography. Radiology. 2002; 24:555–559.

Глава 4: Осмотр покажет

История пациента помогла поставить диагноз: Hampton JR, et al. Contribution of history-taking, physical examination and laboratory evaluation to diagnosis and management of medical outpatients. BMJ. 1975; 2(5969):486–489.

Sandler G. The importance of the history in the medical clinic and the cost of unnecessary tests. Am Heart J. 1980; 100(pt 1):928–931.