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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

67. State the type of the predicate. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. They looked at me as if they strongly disapproved of me.

2. John and Helen have been travelling for three months and they are terribly homesick.

3. She is made unattractive, in the eyes of the world, by having a strong character.

4. I used to hate coming home when it was almost dark.

5. He seemed to read my mind. "Yes, you're right. My life might have been different."

6. The child is delicate, she ought to have a change of air.

7. What would uncle Henry say if he were alive?

8. Sometimes Bessie would come up to me in my lonely bedroom, bringing a piece of cake; sometimes she would tell me a

bedtime story.

9. I had to get up early to catch the coach.

10. I just dream away the time, and then I can't answer the teacher's question.

11. We started to work like wild and stopped working only at midnight.

12. Gregory stays firm in his beliefs.

13. Gradually it became dark outside. The rain was still beating on the windows.

14. I felt sure it must be a ghost, a visitor from another world.

15. I was eager to see him in the morning, but there was no sign of him.

16. The garden had run wild.

17. Herbert stays cool in such situations.

18. His authority and prestige in the school stood high.

19. My school teacher will drop dead when he sees me!

20. The door stood open, inviting her to come

21. The phone went dead and Pandora was lost to me.

16. 68. Comment on the double predicate in the following sentences and translate them into Russian.

1. Andy usually drinks his coffee black.

2. Brian, the manager, played it cool.

3. The leaves fell thick under the trees.

4. Jessica kissed them good-night and left.

5. He drank the bottle dry.

6. The sun shone out bright and warm.

7. Her answer came quick and sharp.

8. His father had died a poor man and after that the family split up.

9. The sunlight sifted golden and heavy through the pines.

10. She sliced the bread thick.

11. I went back to sleep but the dog licked me awake at 9.30, so I took it for a walk.

12. The strawberries arrived fresh and delicious.

69. Select the correct word and give your reasons.

1. I couldn't hear the actors (good, well) from the last row.

2. Ali won the race (easy, easily).

3. The flowers looked (fresh, freshly) to me.

4. We thought that «Streetcar» was a (real, really) good play.

5. I can't read (good, well) with these glasses.

6. Gladioli will smell (sweet, sweetly) in the living-room.

7. The damp air (sure, surely) feels (good, well) after that long dry spell.

8. The prospect of yet another week of hard work makes him feel (bad, badly).

9. He rides his mount (good, well).

10. The Secretary of State stood (firm, firmly) in his decision.

11. Some actors speak their lines far too (loud, loudly).

12. Some actresses speak (soft, softly), but the gallery-goers hear them (clear, clearly) nevertheless.

13. The orchestra sounded (cacophonqus, cacophonously) at the rehearsal.

14. Most (gentle, gently) he stroked the cat's fur.

15. The verdict of guilty made the prisoner feel (angrily, angry) toward the jury.