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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

8. a student who is in his second year — a . . . student

9. a flat on the third floor — a . . . f l a t

10. a computer which is of the second generation — a . . . computer

11. a decision made at the last minute — a . . . decision

12. an excellent meal — a ... -class meal

13. a very poor production — a ... -rate production

33. Comment on the functions of Participle II.

1. A faded rose is usually a symbol of a long-forgotten love.

2. At the concert the singer wore a red rose pinned on the dress.

3. They used a fallen tree instead of the broken bench.

4. A grown-up man like you should know better what to do!

5. The boy, grown-up in poverty, became a well-known public figure.

6. My heart is broken and I am lost without you.

7. Come and see my new kitchen. I have had it redecorated.

8. Get this prescription made as soon as possible.

9. I had my new gloves stolen on the train.

10. He heard his name called, turned round, but didn't see anyone.

11. Tired, he went to bed right after watching the 10 o'clock news.

12. Changed into a smart suit, she looked gorgeous.

13. She stared at them as if scared to death.

14. Forced by his parents, he told the truth.

15. Finished with the papers, he sighed with relief.

16. She sat munching her meal with her eyes glued to the American soap-opera on the screen.

34. Insert not or without before the ing form, thus using a participle or a gerund.

1. ... knowing the exact address, they got lost in the city.

2. Never sign anything ... reading it carefully.

3. The door was wide open, and we entered ... knocking.

4. The clerk was fired ... being given any explanation.

5. The teenagers listened to the pop-singer ... concealing their admiration.

6. The snow has been falling for many days, ... seeming to stop.

7. Susan accepted Tom's proposal, ... thinking of the consequences.

8. ... knowing a word of Dutch, she was taken to the police station.

9. He left the restaurant... waiting for his wife to join him.

10. The brother and the sister couldn't stand each other's company ... immediately losing their temper.

11. ... having recognized me, Linda passed by ... answering my "Hello".

12. The travellers went on and on, ... paying attention to the bitter cold.

13. ... knowing the reason for their silence, Robert went on talking non-stop.

14. Tom has never done a thing, ... consulting his father.

15. ... wanting to quarrel with his mother, he dropped the subject.

35. I. Comment on the use of Participle II. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Michael had his ear pierced. He did this because it annoyed his parents.

2. I'm having the car serviced on Friday.

3. It can take days or weeks to get your telephone repaired.

4. We applied three months ago to have a new telephone system installed in our office. We're still waiting.

5. I'd like my tyres checked, please. And the tank filled.

6. How on earth did you manage to have your car repaired so cheaply?