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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

16. The boys in our school are much (good-looking) and a lot (good) at football than the boys in other schools in the town.

31. Make the right choice out of the similar words with different meaning.

1. true - truthful

a) This play is based on a ... story.

b) I believe her: I think she is a ... person.

2. childish - childlike

a) You cannot have everything you want: don't be so ... .

b) She has a ... quality, a sort of innocence, which I like.

3. young - youthful

a) Our teacher is full of... enthusiasm for her subject.

b) Enjoy yourself while you are still....

4. uneatable - inedible

a) This meat is so tough that I find it... .

b) Some of the ... varieties of fungus are poisonous.

5. unreadable - illegible

a) The inscription was ... , but I recognized it as Latin.

b) War and Peace may be a good novel, but I find it... .

6. historic - historical

a) "Ladies and gentlemen, this is a ... moment: the first manned landing on another planet!"

b) The library contains a copy of Magna Carta and other ... documents.

7. economic - economical

a) The country is experiencing a time of great... difficulty.

b) This soap is very ... : you only need to use a little of it at a time.

8. electric - electrical

a) I see you have an ... cooker; I prefer gas.

b) The battery gave off a sudden ... discharge.

9. sensible - sensitive

a) John will be all right on his own; he is a very ... boy.

b) Don't criticize her too harshly: she is very ... .

II. Comment on the difference in meaning of the same word in the following pairs of sentences.

1. a) She is an old friend of ours, b) He is an old man.

2. a) He is a hard worker.

c) Do you think this is a hard exercise?

1. a) Have you met the new neighbours? b) I like your new dress.

2. a) He is a heavy smoker, b) What a heavy parcel!

3. a) I am certain that this book used to belong to me.

b) There is a certain Mr. Smith whom I would like to meet.

4. a) The present Foreign Secretary is better than the last one. b) Is everybody present?

5. a) Why do you have such a concerned expression on your


b) I wish to speak to the people concerned.

6. a) This is not the proper time to talk about money, b) I mean the town proper, excluding the suburbs.

7. a) I do not want to hear a long involved explanation.

b) The police took statements from everyone involved in the accident.

32. I. A field which is fifty acres in extent is a fifty-acre field. Make similar compound adjectives from the following:

1. a programme which lasts half an hour — a ... programme

2. a drive which takes five hours — a ... drive

3. a lorry which can carry 15 tons — a ... lorry

4. a flight which lasts 3.5 hours — a ... flight

5. a ruler which measures up to twelve inches — a ... ruler

7. a child which is five years old — a ... child

8. a man whose height is six feet — a ... man

9. a walk which covers eight miles — a ... walk

10. a tank with a capacity of 16 gallons — a ... tank

11. a 300 mm telephoto lens — a ... telephoto lens

12. a ""hotel — a...hotel

II. A castle which was built in the fourteenth century is a fourteenth-century castle. Make similar compound adjectives with the following: