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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

19. Таможня в конце коридора.

20. — Каково содержание этого романа? — Полиция как всегда борется с мафией.

21. Новая серия рассказов для начинающих была опубликована месяц назад.

22. Гладиолусы в нашем саду очень красивы.

23. Эти данные очень интересны, полиция уже изучает их.

24. Я с интересом прочитал книгу Ч.Дарвина «Происхождение видов».

25. Эти медведи относятся к редкому виду.

26. Подобные природные явления часты в этом полушарии.

— Твои джинсы новые, но они порваны на коленях. Это последняя мода? — Точно.

27. Что такое «Веллингтоны»? — Это резиновые сапоги. Сама королева носит их в дождливую погоду.

28. В этом соке нет консервантов.

29. Я должен тебе 40 пенсов, и я отдам их тебе сейчас же.

30. Во время поездки по Сахаре нам все время виделись оазисы, но это были лишь миражи.

18. Define the form and the syntactic function of the gerund. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Controlling my temper has been one of my goals this year.

2. Dieting is very popular now.

3. Thinking is very far from knowing.

4. Proposing without performing is mere folly.

5. Playing and working outside, and eating good Yorkshire food, has made Mary feel strong.

6. No progressing is regressing. There is no denying it.

7. The biggest problem is choosing. Choosing an apartment turned out to be a lot more difficult.

8. I love crossing the Thames at night. This takes me under Waterloo Bridge and it is a fun way of avoiding the traffic lights and the

queues. Driving along, doing your own things, listening to music, having a little singing to yourself is part of the fun.

9. Singing in the shower, he did not hear the doorbell.

10. I drink nothing without seeing it, sign nothing without reading it.

11. One learns by failing.

12. Through being too knowing the fox lost his tail.

13. It's little use trying to improve the situation.

14. People will gossip. There's no preventing it.

15. Every other minute he kept glancing at his watch.

16. Andrew deserves praising.

17. The water needs filtering.

19. Complete the following sentences with suitable gerunds.

1. If you seriously want to save money, you'd better give up ... .

2. I don't mind most housework but I can't stand ....

3. The puppies looked so sweet that I couldn't resist... .

4. If you want to learn to ride a horse, you won't be able to avoid ... .

5. Must you keep ... ? It's really annoying!

6. I'd hate to be a miner. Can you imagine ... ?

7. Can I have the newspaper if you've finished ... ?

The man the police caught finally admitted .

8. When he said he'd forgotten the phone number, I suggested ....

9. My job as a tourist guide involves ....

10. Nobody suspects you ....

11. Sue never takes the trouble ....

12. Is it worth ... ?

13. I can't help ... .

14. Ted hesitated before ....

15. What he loves best in the world is ... .

16. There is little hope ....

17. Don't insist... .

18. Why do you persist... ?

19. At the reception I had the pleasure ... .

20. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form, gerund or infinitive.

1. You must remember (call) at the bank on your way home because we need (order) some traveller's cheques.