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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

the attitudes expressed by them.

10. Listen to your teacher suggesting the contexts. Respond by using Intonation Pattern XIV.

She doesn't look a day over thirty.

Does it matter all that much?

He's a good chap. It's absolute truth.

Can I count on that? What makes you think so?

We've both got the same answer.

Are you sure enough?

There's somebody's bag in the car.

What are you going to do about it?

I shall be at home by tea-time.

Would you believe it?

How did you manage to do it?

What makes you think so ?

Now, isn't that peculiar?

Are you sure enough? Would you believe it? But is it likely?

How do yoy_know it's there?

Who's going to believe it?

Are you sure enough?

Do you really mean it?

How can you know exactly? What makes you think so ?


This exercise is meant to develop your ability to hear and reproduce the intonation in proper speech situations.

Listen to the dialogue "On the Boat" sentence by sentence. Mark the stresses and tunes. Practise the dialogue.

Record your reading. Play the recording back immediately for your teacher and fellow-students to detect the errors in your pronunciation. Practise

the dialogue for test reading and memorize it.

Pick out of the dialogue sentences pronounced with Intonation Pattern XIV. Use them in conversational situations.

12.Give conversational situations with the phrases of the following type.

This way to...

I think I shall, one of these days ...

Pass up t h e . . .

It couldn't possibly be worse than ...

Here we are!

Yes, just.

Would you like to ...

Well, I suppose we'd better get ready for ...

Oh, I don't know ...

I say, you haven't got anything ... , have you?

I'm not much of a ...

I don't think I'm quite as foolish as that.

Oh, you won't be ... today.

As a matter of fact I don't think I have ...

We're sure to ...

Still, thanks, all the same ...

Oh well, I'll risk it, but if the worst comes" to the worst, don't

blame me. ... but frankly I didn't enjoy it.

Why don't you ...

13. Think of the possible situations in which phrases pronounced with Intonation Pattern XIV can be used according to the meaning

expressed by them.

14. This exercise is meant to develop your ability to read a text with proper intonation and give a summary of it.

1. Listen to the extract from "The Man of Destiny" by B. Shaw (see p. 179) sentence by sentence. Mark the stresses and tunes. Observe the

peculiarities in intonation-group division, pitch, stress and tempo. Practise reading it.

2. Record your reading. Play the recording back immediately for your teacher and fellow-students to detect your possible errors. Practise the

extract for test reading.

3. Give a summary of the text.

15. Read the following dialogues according to the suggested intonation.

1. Departure

16. This exercise is meant to develop your ability to pronounce different com municative types of sentences with all the possible intonation

patterns and explain the difference in attitudes they render.

Read the following sentences with all the intonation patterns possible for these communicative types. Observe the difference in meaning.