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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

expressed by them.

3. Listen carefully to the sentences with Intonation Pattern XV and repeat them in the intervals. Make your voice start very low and rise

gradually on stressed syllables, then end with high or medium rise reaching the highest possible level.

4. In order to fix the intonation of the rising head + High Rise in your mind, ear and speech habits repeat the sentences with this pattern

yourself until they sound perfectly natural to you

5. .Listen to your fellow-student reading these sentences. Tell him what his errors in the intonation are.

6. This exercise is meant to compare the Intonation Patterns XIV and XIII (rising Head + High Rise and high Head + High Rise). Read the

following fragments with both Intonation Patterns. Observe the difference in attitudes.

He flushed and said: "Are you Miss Barlow?"

She said: "Aren't you Doctor Page's new assistant?"

He said: "Don't you realize it's quite against the rules to have him here?"

She said: "If Idris had stopped off, he'd have missed his milk, which is doing him such a lot of good."

She answered stubbornly: "If you don't believe me, look for yourself."

He laughed contemptuously: "That may be your idea of isolation. I'm afraid it isn't mine."

He warned her: "If you don't obey my instructions I'll have to report you." (AJ.Cronin)

"And now I have a few questions to put to you, Mr. Worthing. While I'm making all these inquiries, you, Gwendolen, will wait for me

below, in the carriage." (O.Wilde)

"I know nothing, Lady Bracknell."

"I'm pleased to hear it. I do not approve of anything that tampers with natural ignorance." (O.Wilde)

"She needs awakening."

"Are you going to awaken her?" (J.Galsworthy)

Well, Robert, have you made up your mind yet what you want to do when you leave college? ("Meet the Parkers")

"Do you like dancing?"

"Yes, very much. Do you dance?"

"What do you think I ought to see first?"

"Do you like art galleries?"


This exercise is meant to show the difference in the pronunciation of the same replies with the rising head and the high head + High

Rise. Read the following replies with both intonation patterns. Observe the difference in attitudes they render

Can I keep this book a bit longer?

Are you going to keep it for a couple of weeks?

We ought to follow his advice.

Must we always follow his advice?

I've just been playing badminton.

If you had a good time I can't blame you for being late for

Whose photo do you think this is?


Oh, you broke the window!

You don't seem to recognize the photo of your own father.

They're supposed to be different.

If I did it on purpose you could scream like that.

He says he made up his mind.

Are they really different?

They're late again.

Does he really mean what he says?

Don't take any notice of them.

8. Think of your own examples (5 for every communicative type) pronounced with Intonation Pattern XIV. Use them in conversational


9. Listen to the extract from "The Apple-Tree" by J. Galsworthy (see p. 251). Find sentences pronounced with Intonation Pattern XIV. Observe