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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

b) Concentrate your attention on the peculiarities of the lecturing style introduced in the text.

c) Act as a teacher. Make up a microlesson applying the structures, vocabulary and intonation of the lecture below.

J . D . O ' C o n n o r : We showed you last time two ways of combining the glide down and the glide up in English sentences. Firstly,

we showed you how it was possible to have a glide up followed by a glide down. And here, as an example, is a sentence from our last

talk, said with the words in a different order:

M i s s Too l e y: If you listen closely you'll hear us use this pattern very often.

O'C.: Then secondly, we said that you could have a glide down followed by a glide up. And taking the same sentence again with

the words in their original order we get the example:

T.: You'll hear us use this pattern very often, if you listen closely.

O'C.: Both these combinations are very common indeed. The glide up followed by a glide down is generally used — not always,

but generally— when the subordinate clause of a sentence is before the main clause: and the glide down followed by a glide up is

generally used when the main clause is before the subordinate clause. I'll just say that again (repeat words in italics). Well now, this

was the case in our two examples. With the subordinate clause first we had:

T.: If you listen closely you'll hear us use this pattern very often.

O'C.: And with the main clause first:

T.: You'll hear us use this pattern very often, if you listen closely.

O'C.: Now today, I think we'll start by considering what would happen to the sentences we have just used if we introduce special

emphasis on one of the words. First just let's hear once more the sentence said with the subordinate clause first: the glide up followed

by a glide down.

T.: If you listen closely you'll hear us use this pattern very often.

O'C.: Now suppose that we want to draw special attention to the word 'closely' — to stress the fact that we want you to listen really

closely— how do we do that? Wel just listen, and you'll hear that a different tune is used.

T.: If you listen closely you'll hear us use this pattern very often. If you listen closely you'll hear us use this pattern very often.

O'C.: Now that pattern wasn't a glide up followed by a glide down, was i t ? No, it was a high dive followed by a glide down. And the

rule is this: if the subordinate clause has a specially emphasized word in it, you must use a high dive. (Repeat.)



Intonation Pattern XV



Before the High Rise the Low Head often starts very low but then rises gradual y, syl able by syl able, ending just below

the starting pitch of the nucleus.

The high rising nucleus begins in high level; the medium rise begins in mid level. This intonation pattern is used;

1 . I n s t a t e m e n t s , heard in official speeches, lectures, over the radio (in latest news programmes); or in colloquial speech to