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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

house! (scorn, hatred) You are unfit to enter it. ( aversion)

M r s . C h e v e l e y : Your house! A house bought with the price of dishonour. A house everything in which has been paid for by

fraud, (hatred) Ask him what the origin of his fortune is! Get him to tell you how he sold to a stockbroker a Cabinet secret. Learn from

him to what you owe your position. ( hatred, malicious


L a d y C h i l t e r n : It is not true! (resentment) Robert! It is not true! ( pleading)

M r s . C h e v e l e y : Look at him! (triumph) Can he deny it? Does he dare to? (malicious joy)

S i r R o b e r t : Go! Go at once! (indignation) You have done your worst now. (aversion, hopelessness) (O.Wilde)

S i r R o b e r t C h i 1 1 e r n : What this woman said is quite true. But, Gertrude, listen to me. You don't realize how I was

tempted. Let me tell you the whole thing, (pleading)

L a d y C h i l t e r n : Don't come near me. Don't touch me. (aversion, abhorrence) I feel as if you had soiled me forever. ( hopeless-

ness) (O.Wilde)

12. This exercise is meant to develop your ability to hear out the widening and narrowing of the pitch range in recorded reading and to

reproduce it in proper speech situations.

a) Listen to the dialogue "Waiting for the Bus" sentence by sentence. Write it down. Mark the stresses and tunes. Underline the sentences in

which the widening or the narrowing of the pitch range is heard. Concentrate your attention on the emotional attitude of the speaker in each of

these sentences. Practise the dialogue and memorize it. Perform it at the lesson with a fellow-student.

b) Use the sentences from the dialogue, pronounced with the widened or narrowed pitch range in conversational situations. Practise with a

fellow-student, concentrating your attention on the emotional attitudes you mean to render.

13. Make up a dialogue between two Russian students discussing the system of examinations in English schools. Their opinions differ, and as

they are both involved in the subject their argument gets more and more heated. Imagine yourselves in this situation. Use the proper intonation

patterns to show your involvement. Widen or narrow the range of your voice to express your emotional attitude.

14. This exercise is meant to develop your ability to read and narrate a story with proper intonation.

a) Listen to the text "You see, it was in this way ...". Write it down. Mark the stresses and tunes. Practise reading the text.

b) Listen carefully to the narration of the text. Observe the peculiarities in intonation group division, pitch, stress and tempo. Note the use of

temporizers. Retell the text according to the model you have listened to.

15. This exercise is meant to develop your ability to use correct intonation when you act as a teacher.

a) Listen carefully to the extract from the lecture suggested below.11 Mark the stresses and tunes. Your teacher will help you and all the members of the class to correct your variants. Practise reading every sentence of your corrected variant very carefully.