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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

N u r s e (sniffing): There is a smell of burning. I'll go. (J.Galsworthy)

C o l o n e l : If I'm to put money in, I'm bound to look at it all round.

L e v e r (with lifted brows): Please don't imagine that I want you to put money in. (J.Galsworthy)

C o l o n e l : Don't say anything against Molly, Nell!

M r s . H o p e : Well, I don't believe in husband and wife being separated. That's not my idea of married life.

(The Colonel whistles guizzically.) Ah, yes, she's your niece, not mine! (J.Galsworthy)

S i r C h a r l e s (politely): Oh! Wel ! I don't understand her, of course.

J o a n : You don't want to understand her.

S i r C h a r l e s : Not very much, perhaps. (J.Galsworthy)

"Who has done this?" exclaimed Miss Mills, succouring her friend.

I replied, "I, Miss Mills, I have done it!" (Ch.Dickens)

"Why do you trouble me s o ! " she cried, reproach flashing from her very finger-ends.

"I trouble you? I think, I may ask, why do you trouble m e ? " (T.Hardy)

18. Read the following dialogue. Mark the stresses and tunes. It is not expected that each member of the group will mark the text in exactly

the same way. Finally practise reading your corrected variant. Retell it.

"Are you Miss Barlow?"

"Yes, aren't you Doctor Page's new assistant?"

"That's hardly the point, though as a matter of fact I am Doctor Manson. I believe you have a contact here: Idris Howells."

"Yes, I know."

"Don't you realize it's quite against the rules to have him here?"

"If Idris had stopped off, he'd have missed his milk, which is doing him such a lot of good."

"It isn't a question of his milk. He ought to be isolated."

"That may be your idea of isolation. I'm afraid it isn't mine."

"You must send that child home at once."

"Doesn't it occur to you that I'm the mistress of this class? You may be able to order people about in more exalted spheres. But

here it's my word that counts."

"You're breaking the law! You can't keep him here. If you do I'll have to report you."

"Then you had better report me. Or have me arrested. I've no doubt it will give you immense satisfaction."

(From A.J.Cronin "The Citadel". Adapted)

19. Authors frequently indicate by putting a word in italics that it should be made prominent. The situations below are taken from books by

different writers. How do you think they intended them to be pronounced and why?

Look here, you! We've come a long way to buy furniture. I said furniture. Not this kind of junk. (A.J.Cronin)

"But you'd better tell us quick how you come to bank that money for yourself when it's Doctor Page's money and you know i t . . . . "

"It's mine. Joe Morgan made me a present of it." "A present! Ho! Ho! I like that." (AJ.Cronin)

"But I'll never get it," he fretted as he paced up and down, "never, never, never. No, he couldn't be so lucky!" (AJ.Cronin)

"Gentlemen!" cried Andrew in a panic. "Please, please! How can we ever do anything if we quarrel among ourselves. Remember

what we're here for?" (AJ.Cronin)