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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

A: No, I don't think I shall. Though there's a good deal of pressure, of course.

B: From your family?

A: From my daughter in particular. All her school friends talk about it so much.

B: I know. You'd think they never did anything else but sit glued to the television screen.

A: That's mostly what I object to, the time it wastes.

B: It isn't the television that wastes the time, it's you.

A: I know that, but I have a deep distrust of myself. So it's probably better to avoid the occasion of sin. Don't you think?

8. Respond using the High Fall to emphasize delight, joy, pleasant surprise, approval, self-satisfaction.

I'm going to St. Petersburg tomorrow.

Fine! Marvellous! Now, aren't you lucky! Pretty good!

What a very nice garden!

Simply wonderful! What a magnificent view!

I rather like Susan.

Pretty, isn't she! Isn't she very bright!

You are invited to dub the film.

Splendid! Smashing! Oh, good!

Simply wonderful! Magnificent! Delightful! Quite perfect! First

rate! Gripping!

What did you think of the show?

What a delightful surprise! At last! Marvellous!

Mary's getting better.

Pretty good! Now, isn't that peculiar! Yes, didn't it go well!

You've won the first prize!

How kind of you! Thanks awfully! That is good of you!

I've brought you some flowers. I've finished my exams.

Congratulations! Clever, aren't you! Quite the best thing you've

ever done!

9. Respond using Intonation Patterns IX or X to emphasize hostility, anger, indignation, disgruntled protest.

I've lost my invitation card.

Awful! When, for heaven's sake? Aren't you just the sort of

He says it was your fault.

person to drive me mad? How annoying!

The brute! Pretentious nonsense! What on earth are you

Harry's not coming to tea.

getting at?

Why! How annoying! What a bore he is! Isn't he silly? How

Mary's put paint all over the carpet.

can he be so obstinate?

Why did she do it? Isn't she just the sort of person to rive

Isn't it cold today? I shan't stay a minute longer.

you mad? What a nuisance she is!

What ghastly weather! Fearfully cold! Beastly!

I shan’t stay a minute longer.

How can you say such a stupid thing? What on earth are

you getting at?

10. Respond using the Fall-Ri to xpress reproach, concern, regret, hurtto feelings, reluctance and impatience.

He's broken a window

Nonsense! Rubbish! No wonder! Why can't he leave things alone!

Isn't it just what you'd expect of him?

What an extraordinary hat!

Isn't it a picture! Have you seen anything like that!

The key doesn't seem to work.

Now, what's the matter? Isn't it strange! Can I help at all? I should

think so indeed! Why not! How very strange!

He's forgotten to shut the gate.

Have you seen anything like that? It's much too late to have any

regrets now. Well, he does amaze me! Isn't it just what you'd

I think you are being very unfair.

expect of him!

I think it's the best film of the year

Nonsense! I should think so indeed! Not in the least! Oughtn't you

be ashamed!

Frank refused the offer!

Rubbish! Well, you do amaze me!

Don't I know it! How very strange! Now, what's the matter?

11. * Listen to the following proverbs and sayings. Make sure you understand each sentence. Observe the peculiarities of intonation group