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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

Naturally. Anyone would be. We'll be ahead of time. It was

Can I have a word with you?

incredible. By all means. I simply hated it. I just can't tell you

Did you like it? Are you fond of him?

how much

he means to me.

What was the party like?

First rate. I don't know when I've enjoyed myself so much. I

Did you save time?

was able to do it in half the time.

It's up to you. You must make up your own mind.

S p e c i a l q u e s t i o n s (challenging, antagonistic,

disclaiming responsibility)

You could surely find the money somewhere.


You'll have to accept.


You pay for it.


Well, borrow a ruler.


I can't see you today.

When, then?

I've left my hat behind.

Where, pray?

Would you mind passing the book?

What book?

I'll make it soon, I promise.

Yes, but how soon?

Don't forget to bring your camera.

Which one?

Would Max have a game?

Why not ask him?

I've had this pain for days.

Why don't you do something about it?

G e n e r a l q u e s t i o n s (impressed, challenging, an-


You can't go in there. I'll punch your head.

Can't I? (We'll see about that.)

They've nowhere to live.

Wil you? (And who'll help you?)

I wouldn't put up with it.

Haven't they?

You ought to apologize.

Wouldn't you?

You don't know what you're talking about.

Oh, ought I, indeed?

It was a shame he had to give up.

Oh, don't I?

Larry will be terrible as Hamlet.

Yes, wasn't it?

Can you imagine him?

May I take this newspaper?

I m p e r a t i v e s (discloiming responsibility, hostile)

How do you advise me to get there?

Do. Please.

Who are the flowers from?


I hate it, but what can I do?


I don't really want to go.

Tell them you hate it.

Don't talk with your mouth full.

Refuse, then.

It's not much of a cut.

Don't you do it, then.

So far I haven't had time.

Then don't make so much fuss about it.

Thank you very much.

Start now, then.

May I borrow this book for a while ?

Don't mention it.

I'm going to risk it, in spite of what you say.

Keep it as long as you like.

I'm most terribly sorry.

Don't say I didn't warn you, then.

Don't give it another thought.

E x c l a m a t i o n s (impressed)

John's got it now.

Oh! (That's different.)

You can have it back on Sunday.

Fine! (That's plenty soon enough.)

I've finished that.

I'll introduce you to him.

Good! (You were quicker than I expected.)

Did you finish that job?


Did you pass your exam?

Heavens, yes!

I'm so sorry I was rude.

Ages ago!

I'm awfully sorry.

Of course!

John may treat us.

I should think so, indeed.

I've missed my turn.

No doubt! (But it's too late for apologies.)

May I come too?

Not him! (He's far too mean.)

Thank you so much.

Serves you right! (You should pay more attention.)

The more the merrier.

Not at all! Thank you!

2. Listen to the replies and repeat them in the intervals. When pronouncing the Rise-Fall make your voice rise from a fairly low to a high pitch and

then fall quickly to a very low note. Do not forget to blend the words together.

3.Listen to the verbal context and reply in the intervals.

4.In order to fix Intonation Pattern XIV in your mind, ear and speech habits repeat all the replies yourself until they sound perfectly natural to you.