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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

Russian [ч]. When the Russian [ч] is quickly followed by the Russian voiced consonants [Б, Д, Г, 3, Ж] something similar to the English

[ tʃ , dʒ] sounds: «дочь больна, с плеч долой, ключ забыл».

5. Read the words and the sentences:

A. chair








B. 1. Just fool around with chalk. 2. Gee, Margie seems to have a chill. 3. The teacher of geography just turned the pages of the

picture book.

[ w - v ]

Mind that [w] is bilabial: it is articulated with both lips. The lips should first be pursed as if ready for a whistle and then quickly spread.

Do not start the consonant too early. Otherwise [Y] will sound before [w].

The consonant [v] should be articulated only with the lower lip and the upper teeth: it is labio-dental.

6. Read the pairs of words and the sentences. Do not mix up the consonants:

A. was — vase

word — verb

window — vigorous

went - vent

weak — Vic

a warded — adverted

B. 1. She was eleven but she understood it was a very old book. 2. It was very funny that instead of moving the way they were

supposed to they stood quite still. 3. Elsworth wanted to show him how very hard and how very well he was working. 4. As the

weeks went by Swain's visits grew very frequent.

[ t - d ]

Mind that the prevocalic voiceless [t] in a stressed syllable should be aspirated and strong whereas the voiced [d] in a similar case

should be non-aspirated and weak.

7. Read the pairs of words and the sentences:

A. two —do

tone — don't

Tommy — doctor

ton — done

take — date

tall — dollar

B. 1. Today Tommy found a real book. 2. Daddy and Tommy turned back. 3. Did Tom tell them he preferred telebooks? — He did.

4. "I can't do a thing with him," he told the doctor. "He won't take his pineapple juice. He doesn't like it."

Units Six, Seven, Eight

[o — o: — əu]'

Avoid mixing the vowels. Do not make [o:] and [3u] similar by dropping the glide and making the nucleus [3] like [0:] though both

are mid-open, [0:] is a very b a c k vowel, while [3] is a m i x e d ( c e n t r a l i z e d ) vowel. Take care not to diphthongize [0:].

Do not mix up Vowel No. 7 [0:] and No. 6 [o]. Though both are back vowels, Vowel No. 6 is much more open than No. 7.

The vowel [0:] is never checked even in its shortest length variant like in 'short'.

1. Read the words and the sentences:

A . on — all — oh

novels — Paul — sofa

doctor — door — don't

hyNpocrisy — reformer — social

often — xorder — xonly

B . 1. Oh no, she's not tall. 2. We know Maugham, the short story writer, was the son of a diplomat. 3. In his novels and stories

Maugham did not denounce the social order. 4. Her blouse was worn and old. Her face was short, her upper lip short, showing her

teeth, her lashes long and dark.


Do not replace the nucleus of the diphthong by the Russian [O]: make it much more open than [O] and long. Make the glide short

and weak like a weak [e]. Do not stress it.

2. Read the words and the sentences:

A . boy






B . 1. That's his point of view. 2. The young man heard little boys' voices and then another voice crisp and soft. 3. The boy turned out