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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин


[u, u:]

Remember that Vowel No. 9 [u:] is a diphthongoid: its beginning is very near in quality to Vowel No. 8 [u], it is a back-advanced

close vowel, the broad variant. To make the beginning of the vowel sound that way add to it the colouring of the Russian [bl]. As the

vowel goes on, it becomes closer, approaching the Russian [Y] (but the lips should not be strained and protruded). As the vowel

proceeds, you should feel your tongue go simultaneously up and backwards.

5. Read the pairs of words and the sentences. Observe the length variants of the two vowels. Make the vowel [u] checked in its shorter length


A. should — intrude

stood — school

could — protrude took — suit

'understood— 'twenty- two

speculate — ^solitude

B. 1. It'll do him a lot of good. 2. That afternoon he went to the school to have a look at the intrusive girl. 3. Are you absolutely sure

you couldn't love me then, that there's no music in the name Jack? — No, it produces absolutely no vibrations. It doesn't look good

to me at all.

[ʃ, ʒ]

Remember that both the consonants should be palatal (but not so very palatal as the palatal variant of the similar Russian conso -

nants) in any position in the word and before any vowel because they are always articulated with a front secondary focus. But do not

raise the middle of the tongue too high and do not strain the muscles of the tongue too much; make them short. Otherwise they will be

in fact replaced by the Russian consonants [Щ] and [ЖЖ] like in «щи, вожжи».

6. Read the words and the sentences:

A. shake








1. She flushed. His sharp words were still fresh in her memory. 2. She's sure that Shannon should make provision for his affec tionate

mother. 3. She said her decision was that he should take measures and find some relations.

Units Four, Five

[ ۸- a : ]

Mind that Vowel No. 10 [۸] is a central open vowel (the narrow variant), a bit less open than the Russian [۸] (which is also a central

vowel). Make it checked in its shorter variant.

Remember that Vowel No. 5 [a:] is a back-advanced opeti vowel (the broad variant). But it is not advisable to open the mouth too

wide while articulating it.

The vowel [a:] is the best in quality when pronounced on a low pitch.

Mind that it is never checked even in its shortest length variant like in 'ask'.

1. Read the pairs of words and the sentences:

A. hut — heart

grunt — grant

much — March

lust — last nuts — nard utter — after

B. 1. "Art for Heart's Sake" is a funny story. 2. Margie's grandfather once said the funny thing to her father. 3. The abruptness of his

answer proved too much for his aunt's heart. 4. He'd done some constructive thinking since his uncle's last visit.


Mind that the nucleus of the diphthong is a m i x e d ( c e n t r a l i z e d ) vowel. So do not make it a b a c k vowel like the Russian [O].

It is a m i d vowel. So do not make it an o p e n vowel like the Russian [A]. The glide is Vowel No. 8 [u]. It should be extremely short but