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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

11. Read the words and the sentences:

A. first












With the exception of those that should be a bit palatal because they are articulated with a front secondary focus. They are the clear [1], LT, 3); [tf, cfc].

B. 1. Charming day it has been, Miss Fairfax. 2. Pray don't talk to me about the weather, Mr. Worthing. 3. When people talk to me

about the weather, I feel certain they mean something else. 4. He could not help thinking how clear her skin was, with a tiny mole,

exactly the colour of her eyes.

[ η , n - η ]

Mind that [η] is a backlingual consonant: the very back of the tongue is raised and pressed against the soft palate. That's why do

not let the blade or the tip of the tongue touch the upper teeth or the teeth ridge, otherwise either the Russian [H] or the English [n] will

sound instead. To avoid the mistakes open your mouth very wide and keep the tip of the tongue at the lower teeth when [rj] is


Though [η] is an o c c 1 u s i v e sonorant, the obstruction is n o t r e l e a s e d when it sounds. If it is released with a jerk, the soft

palate can rise blocking the passage through the nasal cavity and as a result of this the consonants [k] or [g] can sound after [η].

Remember that in the intervocalic position when -ng is followed by a vowel without any pause: a) in verbal forms and nouns

derived from verbs besides [g] the additional consonant [η] should sound. It somewhat differs in its articulation from the basic (main)

consonant [η]: first the uvular gets in contact with the back part of the tongue and then the obstruction is released with a jerk and some

plosion but the soft palate is kept lowered. So the varianf [rj] is a nasal, occlusive, plosive consonant (sonorant): pinging [xsi


singer [xsiηηə].

In the degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs besides [η] [g] should sound: ^longer [loηgə[], younger [j ۸ ηg


In the word final position and before a consonant -ng is pronounced [η] but in some words in which -ng is followed by a sonorant,

[g] sounds in addition: xEngland [^irjgbnd], hungry [h ۸ ηgə].

In the letter combinations nk, nc, nx the letter n is pronounced [rj]: uncle [۸ ηkl], ink [iηk], anxious [æηkʃəs].

4. Read the words, the phrases and the sentences:

A. among


B. skin — skiing


angry children — chilling

stockings English

d o i n — doing

frank swinging send in —sending

distinct coming out per'sist in — persisting

go in for — xgoing for

C. 1. Oh, darling, I do mean something else. 2. Mr. Worthing could not help thinking about his younger brother. 3. Swinging around she

asked in angry tone: «There's nothing more, is there?» and he could see the soft beating in her neck. 4. "Stand up children, and

say: 'Good morning, Doctor Manson. Thank you for coming."' The infants rose and chanted her ironic bid-