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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

reduce the damage inflicted to the environment.

Note: The group of students is divided into two teams, each of which performs the same role-playing game. While discussing the problems pertaining to

environmental protection they show different approaches to the issues under discussion, speak about things of mutual interest, disagree with some of the

participants or share the others' point of view. Comments from the class on each team's performance and the estimate of the different arguments are invited.

17. Group Discussion.

Give your views on the problems pertaining to natural environment.

Topic 1. What role does natural environment play in our life?

Tal k i n g p o i n t s :

1. Nature and the man's love of it.

2. Man as a constituent part of nature.

3. Pets and plants in our life.

Topic 2. Is it a vital necessity to protect natural environment from destruction and pollution


Tal k i n g p o i n t s :

1. Ill-effects of unrestricted industrialization and the sprawl of large-built areas: a) foul air: b) polluted water; c) noise disturbance;

d) overpopulation; e) disfigured landscapes and land pollution.

2. Extermination of wildlife — upsetting of the biological balance: a) destruction of animal habitats; b) removal and destruction of

plants and trees; c) unprecedented killing of animals for economic, scientific and individual purposes.

Topic 3. What do you know about the measures taken to control environmental pollution and to fight destruction of wildlife?

Tal k i n g p o i n t s :

1. International cooperation in environmental protection.

2. Mass media in the fight against pollution and for nature conservation: a) newspaper comments and reviews; b) TV programmes:

c) science-popular films.

3. Ecology — the science of how the living things are related to their environment.

4. Voluntary organizations' and individuals' participation in the nature conservation movement.


Unit One [e - æ]

Do not open your mouth too wide when articulating the vowel [e], it is a half-open vowel. Open your mouth very wide when

pronouncing the vowel [æ]: it is an open vowel (helping to make it open by a spoon-shaped depression in the front part of the tongue).

1. Pronounce the pairs of words and the sentences with the vowels. Observe their length variants:

— lend — land

— helping — happen

— plenty — planned

— selling — salmon

necessary — ational

subject — program

— 1. Harris objected to a slap-up breakfast. 2. The fact is Jed expected the man to be a different personality. 3. Can you imagine

anything happening to the salmon? — Yes, I can.

[ei — ɛə ]

Remember that the nucleus of the diphthong [ei] is Vowel No. 3, which is mid-open and that of the diphthong [ɛə] is an open vowel.

Make the nuclei long and very distinct vowels. Make the glides much shorter and indistinct.

1. Pronounce the pairs of words and the sentences with the two diphthongs. Observe their length variants:

A. fade — fair

railways — rarely

shade — share