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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

the war because of the accelerated development of industry and the rise of cities in Siberia.

Did the answer be in shutting down all existing enterprises and all production in Baikal's vicinity? Was it necessary that Baikal's

vast treasures of forest, its power resources, mineral deposits and fertile soil lie untapped to protect its purity? Scientists reject the

approach of the conservationist purists who contend that only by leaving nature untouched can environment be protected and pollution

controlled. After considerable scientific study and debate the conclusion was Baikal's beauty and purity could be maintained at the

same time that its rich resources were tapped. Baikal can provide both material wealth and beauty to the country.

The answer lies in the rational use of Baikal resources, in guaranteeing its protection from pollution and despoliation.

14. Answer the following questions:

1. Why do you think the subject of Lake Baikal was very much in the news? 2. What posed a danger to the lake and its riches? 3.

Do you agree with the conservationist purists that nature should be left untouched "in its virgin loveliness"? 4. What is meant by the

rational use of natural resources in general and in reference to Lake Baikal in particular?

15. Discuss the text and the problem under study in pairs. One of the students takes a basically balanced viewpoint that Lake Baikal should be

used rationally for industrial and recreational needs, the other student defends a purists' idea that to preserve natural wealth we should leave it

untapped. Be sure to provide sound arguments for whatever you say. Work out arguments "for" and "against".

16. Role-Playing.

What Must We Care About to Prevent Disaster?

S i t u a t i o n : A group of tourists is on a river voyage down the Volga. They enjoy excursions to numerous natural attractions and

places of interest. Now they are on their way to a new automobile plant that comprises the manufacture of commercial vehicles, and

parts and components. Once a beautiful countryside, now it's a developed industrial area. The conversation centres around the future

of the district. Then it takes a more general turn. The subject under discussion is environmental protection. There is some difference of

opinion between those who one-sidedly emphasize industrial production and those who insist that a rational balanced approach

should be adhered to.

C h a r a c t e r s :

1. Professor Pyotr Pavlov, aged 53, a specialist on afforestation, believes that by A.D. 2000 we will have destroyed natural

environment because of the sprawl of large cities, reduction of open spaces, extermination of wildlife. Thinks that unrestricted

urbanization will let the man down posing a danger to his health, choking him with pollutants. The very existence of human race as a

biological species is threatened. Urgent steps should be taken by mankind to rescue the Earth and its inhabitants from a foresee able