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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

sympathetic adj 1) quick to understand and share other people's feelings, e. g. A good doctor is always sympathetic, ant.

unsympathetic; 2) having or showing kind feeling towards others, e. g. I felt grateful to her for her sympathetic words.

sympathetically adv kindly, e. g. She smiled sympathetically.

10. fail vi/t 1) not to succeed, e. g. My attempt has failed. I tried to convince him, but failed. The maize failed that year. 2) not to

pass, as to fail in mathematics, in an exam; 3) to break down, to die away, to let down, e. g. His courage failed him. His heart failed

him. His sight (health) was beginning to fail him. I'll never fail you. Words failed me. 4) to neglect, omit, e. g. He never fails to write

to his mother. Don't fail to let me know. I fail to see your meaning. I could not fail to perceive who she was.

failure n 1) lack of success, e. g. Success came after many failures. His efforts ended in failure. 2) a person who fails, e. g. She was

a complete failure as an actress.

Word Combinations and Phrases

to alter manners (habits, points of view, plans, one's way of living, a dress)

a ring at the bell (a knock at the door)

to reach out (up, down) for smth.

to have a fancy for smth.

to keep body and soul together

to drive up

to a house (come up to the door)

to be littered with books (papers, lumber, etc.)

to have not the least notion (of smth.)

to remind smb. of smth.

a dim recollection shabby clothes (house, man, street)

to be (feel, make oneself) at

home somewhere

to exchange smth. (for smth.)


1. a) Listen to the recording of Text Seven and mark the stresses and tunes, b) Repeat the text in the intervals after the model.

2. Put fifteen questions to the text.

3. Pick out from Text Seven the sentences containing the word combinations and phrases given on p. 223 and translate them into Russian in


4. Complete the following sentences using the word combinations and phrases (p. 223):

1. When one is no longer young, it is not an easy thing ... one's habits. 2. The coat is a size too large for you, you must ... . 3. I'm

tired o f . . . my plans every time you change your mind. 4. She had scarcely finished speaking before there was a ... and a knock. 5.

Without a word she ... pen and paper. 6. Lora ... the letter, but the man was quick enough to catch hold of it. 7. She daren't even ... the

switch lest the movement should wake him. 8. Clare is easily carried away; when she ... she cannot think of anything else. 9. Some

more cake? — Thank you, I have quite ... chocolate cake. 10. Dave had to do all kinds of odd jobs that came his way to ... .11. The

moment David saw the car ... the house, he rushed out to meet his friends. 12. I found myself in a room ... books, papers and all kind

of lumber. 13. I'm at my wits' end. I have not... of where to look for him. 14. I have ... what he's hinting at. Do his words make sense