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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

used to be a good chessplayer, but I'm out of practice now. 3) habit or custom, e. g. It was then the practice (or a common practice).

After supper Dad went for a walk as was his usual practice. 4) the work of a doctor or a lawer, e. g. Doctor N. has retired from

practice. Manson had a large practice. He was a young lawyer with no practice at all.

practitioner n practising doctor or lawyer, e. g. Andrew Manson worked as a general practitioner.

practical adj useful, as practical advice, results, benefit, help, matters, use, application, considerations, difficulties (difficulties in

putting smth. into practice), e. g. It's of no practical use. There were practical difficulties. They used to play practical jokes on each

other and neither ever got offended.

practically adv virtually, e. g. Practically everyone was willing to help.

7. odd adj 1) (of numbers) not even, e. g. 1, 3, 5 are odd numbers.

2) used of one of a pair when the other is missing, as an odd shoe or glove;

3) used of one or more members of a set when separated from the rest, as two odd volumes of an encyclopaedia; 4) extra, over, as

thirty odd years, fifty and some odd miles; 5) occasional, not regular, as odd jobs; 6) strange, not ordinary, surprising, as an odd

person (way, manner; look, appearance, behaviour), e. g. How odd!

N o t e : strange, odd and queer are synonyms; strange means out of the natural order of things; odd refers to what one does not ordinarily see and is surprised at; queer implies some doubt as whether all is well, e. g. a queer feeling, a queer affair.

oddly adv in an odd manner; oddly enough strange to say, e. g. Oddly enough, she did not turn up at the party.

odds n pi. the chances in favour, e. g. The odds are against us. odds and ends remnants, e. g. What's to be done with all these odds and ends of the paper?

8. concern n 1) that in which one is interested, e. g. It's no concern of mine. It's my own concern. What concern is it of yours? 2)

anxiety, worry, as the teacher's concern over the pupil's progress.

concern vt 1) to have to do with, e. g. That doesn't concern you at all. As far as I'm concerned ... . He is said to be concerned in this

affair. (He is said to be mixed up in this affair.) 2) to be busy with, interest oneself in, e. g. Don't concern yourself with other people's

affairs. I'm not concerned about details. 3) to take trouble about, e. g. Lord Illingworth had never been concerned about his son.

concerned adj anxious, e. g. He has a very concerned look. ant. unconcerned.

concerning prep about, regarding, e. g. Montmorency manifested great curiosity concerning the kettle.

9. sympathy n a fellow-feeling, a feeling of pity, as to arouse (show, express) sympathy, e. g. You have my sympathies. I have no

sympathy with (for) idle people. I feel some sympathy for her, she is unhappy.

sympathize vt to be interested in and approve of, e. g. I sympathize with you (your ambition to be a writer).