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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

with my work. 14. Aren't you ashamed? 15. What a boring party, I wish I were at home. 16.You're hours late! What's the matter? 17. I

hear he's dropped hockey.

9. Use as many word combinations from the Essential Vocabulary as possible in one situation.

10. Use the following words and word combinations in dialogues:

1. Two girls are discussing the plot of a play or story, (the main character, to intercept information, to take precautions, to trick

smb. out of smth., a slip of the tongue, not to stir an eyelid, the moment he ... , an injured air, to give smb. the slip)

2. Two first-year students are talking of their impressions of the college, (the character of, to caution against, characteristic of, to

give way to, why not?)

11. Find in Text Six and copy out phrases in which the prepositions (or adverbs) 'out', 'out of and 'into' are used. Translate the sentences into


12. Fill in prepositions or adverbs where necessary:

1. Norman is .... He'll be back ... an hour or so. 2. "Let's forget the quarrel and be friends," he said holding ... his hand. 3. Let's

get ... the car and stretch our legs. 4. I really can't walk ... such a rate. I'm quite ... breath. 5.1 remember that I was scared ... my wits

then, but the details have faded ... my memory. 6. ... respect to her feelings ydu ought to be discreet. 7. The door won't lock. All the

locks in this cottage are ... order. 8. Are you ... your senses to act like this? 9. The lady succeeded ... tricking the lieutenant... the

despatches. 10. Are you ...your tricks again? You'll drive me ... my senses. 11. The first introduction of French ... English dates from

the time ... the Saxon kings. 12. American slang is forcing its way ... English. 13. It's good to be able to turn sorrow ... joy. 14. Why

did you burst... the room ... so much noise? 15. He sat staring ... the fire.

13. Translate the following sentences into English. Pay attention to the prepositions and adverbs:

1. Когда вечер был в разгаре, Руфь незаметно выскользнула из дома. 2. Я не могу разобрать некоторые слова, у вас

ужасный почерк. 3. День оказался прекрасным, и мы пожалели, что остались в городе. 4. С глаз долой, из сердца вон. 5. Кейт

улыбнулась сквозь слезы и сказала: «Извини меня, у меня нервы не в порядке». 6. Он живет за городом, и ему нужно полтора

часа, чтобы добраться до работы. 7. Вы попадете в беду. И не говорите тогда, что я не предостерегал вас. 8. Узнав, что отъезд

опять отменен, Кейт залилась слезами. 9. Джим ворвался в комнату, схватил что-то, и через минуту его уже снова не было в

доме. 10. Теперь, когда они были вне опасности, они могли, наконец, передохнуть. 11. Он не выходит уже месяц. 12. Дверь

не запирается: должно быть, замок не в порядке. 13. Не в его характере спорить просто из упрямства.

14. a) Give Russian equivalents for the following English proverbs and sayings (or translate them into Russian), b) Make up situations to

illustrate their meanings:

1. It is sink or swim. 2. Caution is the parent of safety. 3. Who has never tasted bitter, knows not what is sweet. 4. A threatened