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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

blow is seldom given. 5. Better the foot slip than the tongue. 6. Between the cup and the lip a morsel may slip.

15. Write an essay on one of the following topics:

1. A Russian national hero of the war of 1812.

2. A play by B. Shaw on Russian stage.



Topical Vocabulary

1. Positive feelings: admiration, enthusiasm, excitement, elation, joy, love, pride, zest.

2. Negative feelings: anger, annoyance, irritation, anxiety, despair, humiliation, embarrassment, tension, envy, hate, jealousy,

fear, shame, guilt, rage, terror.

3. Emotional condition: a) to feel good, to feel fine, to feel great, to feel pride and joy, to be bright and happy, to be in a good

mood; b) to feel bad, to feel uneasy/anxious/lonely/scared/miserable/ guilty, to feel put upon, to be upset, to be tense and jumpy, to be

furious, to be in a bad temper.

4. Display of emotions: to express/hide/disguise/control/re- veal/relieve one's feelings, to cope with one's feelings, an outlet for

one's feelings, to get angry at smth./smb., to let off steam, to burst out laughing/crying, to behave calmly and coolly, to take one's

irritation out on smb., to throw tantrums, to scream and yell at smb., to keep/lose one's temper, to fly into a rage.

1. Read the following text for obtaining its information:

One day you feel good and the next you feel bad, and between those two poles are compressed all the joys of heaven and the an -

guish of hell. The events that prompt feelings, the justification for the feelings, even the reality of the perceptions that lead to them

are all unimportant. It is the feeling that counts.

Despite its importance, there is an incredible amount of confusion about feelings and emotions in both the minds of the public

and the attention of the "experts". "Emotion" is the general term which encompasses the feeling tone, the biophysiological state, and

even the chemical changes we are beginning to understand underline the sensations we experience; "feeling" is our subjective

awareness of our own emotional state. It is that which we experience; that which we know about our current emotional condition.

Feelings, particularly the complex and subtle range of feelings in human beings, are testament to our capacity for choice and

learning. Feelings are the instruments of rationality, not— as some would have it — alternatives to it. Because we are intelligent

creatures, we are capable of, and dependent on, using rational choice to decide our futures. Feelings become guides to that choice.

We are rujt just passive responders, as some lower life forms are, to that which the environment offers us. We can avoid certain

conditions, select out others, and anticipate both and, moreover, via anticipation we can even modify the nature of the environment.

Feelings are fine tunings directing the ways in which we will meet and manipulate our environment.

Feelings of anxiety, boredom, tension and agitation alert us to the sense of something wrong, and, more importantly, by the subtle