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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

2. Motion: This includes not only renderings of objects in motion — the horse race, a hunting scene but also qualities of motion

in a metaphorical sense. Novice viewers see the energy of depicted action in a Delacroix but not the equal energy in the brush strokes

of a Van Gogh, or the upyearning of the elongated figures in an El Greco.

3. Symptoms and reinforcers: These are tactics that intensify an effect without really having anything to do with the effect. For in-

stance, an artist might arrange the light in a painting so that shadows fall upon the face of a sad person; a bright background might

intensify a figure's sadness by contrast, or a dark one intensify it by concordance.

Unit Six


1. You tricked that blockhead out of them.

George always managed to trick Tom out of some money. At the market I was cheated out of three roubles.

2.I am not to be trifled with.

I am not to be shouted at. He is not to be interfered with. She is not to be laughed at.

3. Lady (giving way to her temper).

Never give way to your despair. She gave way to her tears. Don't give way to panic.

Who are you that you should presume to speak to me in that coarse way?

4.Who are you that you should shout at me? Who is she that we should wait for her? Who is he that he should order

us about?

5. The moment he takes them, she hurries across to the other side of the room.

The moment he saw Jane, he rushed to her. The moment she turns up, send for me. The moment you need me, I'll


6.It will cost you nothing to give it to me.

It cost him a lot of trouble to help us. It required me much effort to move the furniture. It will take you little time to do

the job.

7.It has been sent to you out of sheer malice.

I did it out of despair. She acted out of fear. He contradicted her out of sheer


8.Then why not send it to her husband?

Why not go there at once? Why not open the window? Why not tell her the truth?


1. Complete the following sentences using the Speech Patterns:

1. Why did you give Ann the tickets? — She tricked .... 2. It was only when I came home that I noticed that I had been .... 3. Why on

earth are you shouting? I'm not ... . 4. It's no concern of yours. I'm not.... 5. She was making every effort not.... 6. It was the first time

he ... . 7. She must have realized she was wrong. She just stuck to her point ... . 8. She isn't really interested in my affairs. She

asked ... . 9. You're in no condition to speak to her now. Why not ...? It's a splendid opportunity for us to get together. Why not...?

2. Suggest the beginning matching the end using the Speech Patterns:

1. ... that you should shout at me? 2. ... that he should interfere in my affairs? 3. ... I'm free, I'll let you know. 4. ... he comes, tell

him I'm in the library. 5. ... an hour or so to do the job. 6. ... about 2,000 roubles.

3. Paraphrase the following using the Speech Patterns:

1. She made me give her the letter saying that she already had your permission to read it. 2. It was the first time he lost his temper