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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

5. Alexandra T., aged 23, is rather sceptical about Marina's project. Experience tends to show that pupils from 9 "A" make a

point of not participating in any of the schools activities, they are unlikely to be attracted to something so sophisticated and dry as a

lecture on art, slides or no slides. She puts forward the idea of a film, perhaps even about a painter, but not on any account a lecture.

6. Helen B., aged 23, admits she is no great art specialist herself, nevertheless she believes in handing down one's cultural her-

itage from one generation to the next. Why not take the pupils on an excursion to Abramtsevo, the former estate of the famous art-

patron Mamontov, where Korovin and Vrubel worked on stage decorations and Valentin Serov painted his famous "Girl with

Peaches". Even if the pupils fail to appreciate the works of art, a day in the open air is sure to do them a world of good.

7. Lucy B., aged 24, does not care for fine arts and is not ashamed to admit it. 9 "A" has worked hard all year. How can one expect

them at the end of term to continue taking an active interest in serious, heavy subjects such as classical art. What they need now is

diversion, relaxation, a chance to unwind. Why not organize a picnic, perhaps on bicycles. She knows some fine woods not too far

away where they could escape from the bustle of the city and play volleyball, badminton or whatever.

20. Group Discussion.

Topic 1. Is the appreciation of pictures a special faculty which only a few can possess?

T a l k i n g p o i n t s :

1. The excellency of style is not on the surface, but lies deep. It is the florid style which strikes at once. There is no need to be

ashamed of one's apparent dullness.

2. The habit of looking at good pictures is in itself a means by which taste can be formed and the scope of one's enjoyment wid-

ened and developed.

3. The acquisition of good taste is a matter of time. Painting in

this respect does not differ from other arts (poetry, music).


Topic 2. A great painting enriches our experience of life, just as a great poem does or a great musical composition

T a l k i n g p o i n t s :

1. The more we look at it the more it reveals and this is not necessarily because of the amount of detail and incident it contains.

2. Great painters make us see and think a great deal more than the objects before us, they teach us to look at a scene through their

eyes, with something of their own imagination.

The masterpieces of painting, like the masterpieces of music and poetry transform experience; they are an inexhaustible source of

beauty which derives from the originality of the artist's outlook, his capacity for combining form and colour into a harmonious unity.

Topic 3. "Aesthetic effects" make art especially engaging and illuminating

T a l k i n g p o i n t s :

1. Mood: Often works of art project powerful moods, the moods of people or animals, or even the moods of landscapes,

buildings. The viewer who misses this paradoxical capturing of character in mere paint loses much of the value that art offers.