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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

так близко к сердцу.

14. Луиза с нетерпением ждала того дня, когда она пойдет в школу.

15. Он приобрел привычку читать газету за едой. 16. За свою работу он почти ничего не получал. 17. Майкл несколько раз

делал Флер предложение. 18. Визит дружбы способствовал взаимному пониманию. 19. Это было сделано без моего согласия.

20. Он легко решает такие задачи. 21. Нет дыма без огня.

14. a) Give Russian equivalents for the following English proverbs and sayings (or translate them into Russian), b) Explain in English the

meaning of each proverb, c) Make up a dialogue to illustrate one of the proverbs:

1. When one loves his art no service seems too hard. 2. The devil is not so black as he is painted. 3. When in doubt leave it out. 4.

Art is long, life is short. 5. That's a horse of another colour. 6. A thing of beauty is a joy forever. 7. Art lies in concealing art. 8. Art

has no enemy except ignorance.




Topical Vocabulary

1. Painters and their craft: a fashionable/self-taught/mature artist, a portrait/landscape painter, to paint from nature/memory/

imagination, to paint mythological/historical subjects, to specialize in portraiture/still life, to portray people/emotions with moving

sincerity/with restraint, to depict a person/a scene of common life/the mood of..., to render/interpret the personality of..., to reveal the

person's nature, to capture the sitter's vitality/transient expression, to develop one's own style of painting; to conform to the taste of

the period, to break with the tradition, to be in advance of one's time, to expose the dark sides of life, to become famous overnight, to

die forgotten and penniless.

2. Paintings. Genres: an oil painting, a canvas, a water-colour/ pastel picture; a sketch/study; a family group/ceremonial/inti-

mate portrait, a self-portrait, a shoulder/length/half-length/knee- length/full-length portrait; a landscape, a seascape, a genre/his torical

painting, a still life, a battle piece, a flower piece, a masterpiece.

3. Composition and drawing: in the foreground/background, in the top/bottom/left-hand corner; to arrange symmetrically/asym-

metrically/in a pyramid/in a vertical format; to divide the picture space diagonally, to define the nearer figures more sharply, to em -

phasize contours purposely, to be scarcely discernible, to convey a sense of space, to place the figures against the landscape back -

ground, to merge into a single entity, to blend with the landscape, to indicate the sitter's profession, to be represented standing.../sit-

ting.../talking..., to be posed/ silhouetted against an open sky/a classic pillar/the snow; to accentuate smth.

4. Colouring. Light and shade effects: subtle/gaudy colouring, to combine form and colour into harmonious unity; brilliant/low-

keyed colour scheme, the colour scheme where ... predominate; muted in colour; the colours may be cool and restful/hot and agi-

tated/soft and delicate/dull, oppressive, harsh; the delicacy of tones may be lost in a reproduction.