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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

2. a lifetime dream; to exhibit smth. in a show; selection committee; to be accepted for the show; to hang in an inconspicuous

place; small in size; art critics; to be distinguished by a marvellous sense of colour and composition; a mature artist; to have no

doubt; to excite some noticeable comment; to award a prize;

3. to have a painter for a neighbour; to display an insatiable curiosity about one's studio; to take advantage of the opportunity; to

sigh with relief; to draw a curtain aside; a life-sized portrait; to paint against the background of smth.; glowing colours; to be drawn

with utmost care and precision; to be lost in admiration; to become aware of smb.'s presence; to blush to the top of one's ears.

11. Find in Text Five and copy out phrases in which the prepositions or adverbs 'from', 'to', *with' are used. Translate the phrases into Russian.

12. Fill in prepositions or adverbs:

This train starts ... Plymouth and goes ... London. 2. What country do you come ...? 3. You must try to look ... the matter ... my point...

view. 4. Stop that boy ... spoiling the book. 5. Johnson never made any provision ... the future, he just lived ... hand ... mouth. 6. ...

time ... time I will examine you on the work you have done. 7.1 know it... my own experience. 8. We must keep them ... getting to

know our plans. 9. The speaker never referred ... his notes, he spoke ... memory. 10. His arrival was a surprise ... me. 11. Don't pay

attention ... what he is doing. 12. The guide drew our attention ... an old church, which was a fine specimen of Renaissance archi -

tecture. 13. It was rough ... the Atlantic and the girl had to keep ... her cabin. 14. The banquet drew ... its close. 15. The fact is, it never

occurred ... me. 16. The chances are ten ... one. 17. Turner's colours were true ... nature. 18. The bus was filled ... the bursting point.

19. Everybody was scared almost ... death. 20. Mr. Wolfe took a great fancy ... his niece. 21. Sybil's father and mother might possibly

object ... the marriage. 22. I am going ... home ... about three days. Of course, I shall take only the things I can't do ... . 23. He is ...

exception the best pupil I have ever had. 24.1 know you will work hard, that goes ... saying.

13. Translate the following sentences into English. Pay attention to the prepositions and adverbs:

1. Хлеб пекут (делают) из муки. 2. «Какая жалость, что вы вынуждены не пускать ребенка в школу», — сказал Эндрю. 3.

Поэты и художники часто черпают вдохновение у природы. 4. Братья так похожи друг на друга, что я не могу отличить

одного от другого. 5. Если я советую вам это сделать, то я говорю на основании собственного опыта. 6. Вот картина в моем

вкусе. 7. Дверь захлопнулась. 8. Гвендо- лен сказала, что она помолвлена с Эрнестом. 9. Как можно быть таким

безразличным к своей работе? 10. Такое упрямство любого может довести до отчаяния. 11. Вам следовало бы извиниться

перед хозяйкой за ваше опоздание. 12. Друзья подняли тост за счастливое окончание путешествия. 13. Не принимайте это