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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

12. The bump on the boy's forehead was as big as a duck's egg.

13. He noticed that Strickland's canvases were of different magnitude. 14. I don't want to camp out and spend the night in a tent no

bigger than a tablecloth. 15. She found it a strain to talk of anything else with Bart. 16. Please try and come. 17. The giant lift ed up

the big rock quite easily. 18. Pouring out the cod-liver-oil she wrinkled her nose in an attempt to keep her nostrils closed.

4. Explain or comment on the following sentences:

A. 1. He relieved Poirot deftly of his overcoat. 2. Mallory's chief reaction was one of relief: he would have hated to have to speak

to him again. 3. But Hilary could not relieve himself of his own burdens in that way. 4. Have you heard the news? What a relief! 5.

Your room is arranged very artistically. 6. The arts of the painter and sculptor had been employed to make the palace beautiful. 7.

"Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter," said Basil Hallward. 8. It was not long before I

found, to my own surprise, that the difficult art of fishing I was attempting had, indeed, a powerful fascination. 9. When it was over

he drew a deep breath. 10. Beauty drew him irresistibly. 11. If the reporter could not get facts for his stories, he often drew on his

imagination. 12. A considerate host always tries to draw a left-out guest into conversation. 13. Mr. Strickland has drawn the portrait of

an excellent husband and father, a man of kindly temper, industrious habits, and moral disposition. 14. I haven't had my picture taken

for years. 15. "Mousehold Heath" is a magnificent picture by John Crome. It depicts a shepherd-boy and his dog with a few sheep on

a piece of broken, tufted ground. 16. He pictured the house half-way to Plyn hill, ivy-covered and with a view of the harbour, and

Janet waiting for him when the day's work was done. 17. Leonardo da Vinci loved to portray the smile and used it to give life and

reality and the illusion of spiritual depth to his characters. 18. The president wasted no words, yet managed to paint a detailed and

vivid picture of the nation's strength. 19. The Russian art students were anxious to paint national themes and to choose the subjects of

their paintings themselves. Classical subjects did not appeal to them, for their hearts lay in realism and 'purpose' painting. 20.

Cezanne would never have painted his exquisite pictures if he had been able to draw as well as the academic Ingres. 21. She painted

his ingratitude in the blackest colours.

B. 1. He met her challenge with a bitter smile though all colour had left his face. 2. Tristram's face went stern as death, and he bit

his lips, while his bride became the colour of the red roses on the table in front of her. 3. His reputation was a trifle off colour. 4.

These pages form the record of events that really happened. All that has been done is to colour them. 5. Mr. Gaitskill never for a

moment doubted his divine right to do, within the accepted limits, exactly what he liked. 6. The weather looks very doubtful.