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Владимир Дмитриевич Аракин

variety of colour; to be lopsided; "If you want to draw you will have to look at what you're drawing"; to blush to the top of one's ears;

to add a few lines with a steady hand; to select drawings for the exhibition; to award a prize

21. Use the following phrases from Text Five to describe an art exhibition (picture gallery):

a lifetime dream; to take up art; to display insatiable curiosity; to visit the exhibition; to grow frequent; to open up its charming

mysteries; a rich variety of colour; mature artist; to be hung in a conspicuous place


1. Study the Vocabulary Notes and translate the illustrative examples into Russian.

2. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the words and word combinations in bold type:

A. 1. See at what intervals the guard is relieved at that bridge. 2. The thief relieved him of his watch. 3. Ann was grateful*to him

for relieving her of the other girl's presence . 4. Her husband was annoyed because nothing had been said to him before, and relieved

his feelings by shouting back at Johnny. 5. It was rather a relief to have him out of the way. 6. Sooner than renounce their principles

Kramskoi and twelve others resigned from the Academy of Arts. 7. From the beginning to the end of his life Turner's one paramount

artistic aim was the representation of light and atmosphere. 8. You could tell that the flowers she was wearing were artificial. 9. In

those days conversation was still cultivated as an art. 10. This is a convenient tool for drawing nails out. 11. The snail draws in its

horns when it is frightened. 12. Mr. Mcintosh has many interesting stories of his travels if you can draw him out. 13. Moths are drawn

by a light. 14. Certainly his name would still be a great draw for bourgeois audiences. 15. Gainsborough is famous for the elegance of

his portraits and his pictures of women in particular have an extreme delicacy and refinement. 16. Going in and out of the court-room

he was calm and courteous, the picture of rationality. 17. The picture was released three months later, and by that time they were back

in New York. 18. Each of Gainsborough's portraits is distinct and individual, even though taken as a whole they depict an entire

society in its significant manifestations. 19. In his "View Across the Thames" Turner has represented a scene looking directly into the

rays of the afternoon sun, a condition which the human eyes normally cannot tolerate. With scientific precision he has portrayed the

golden path of the reflection on the water and the sparkle of light on the wet lawn. 20. It was a strange situation, and very different

from any romantic picture which his fancy might have painted.

B. 1. He stood watching the play of colours upon the water. 2. Before us, in this strange mountain world of grass, the colours were

soft and delicate— fawns, pale greens, warm browns and golds. 3. The subject is neither pretty nor young, yet by subtle colouring and