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Илья Петрович Ильин

164. D'haen Т. Postmodernism in American fiction and art. // Approaching postmodernism: Papers pres. at a Workshop on postmodernism, 21–23 Sept. 1984, Univ. of Utrecht / Ed. By Fokkema D., Bertens H. - Amsterdam; Philadelphia 1986 — P 211–231.

165. D'haen Т. Text to reader: A communicative approach to Fowles, Barth, Cortazar and Boon. - Amsterdam; Philadelphia 1983 — 162 p.

166. Displacement: Derrida and after. / Ed. with an introd. by Krupnick M. - Bloomington, 1983. - 198 p.

167. Dreifus H. L., Rabinow P. Michel Foucault: Beyond structuralism and hermeneutics. - Brighton, 1982, -XXIII, 241 p.

167a. Eagleton Т. Criticism and ideology: A study in Marxist lit. theory — L., 1976. - 191 p.

168. Eagleton T. The function of criticism. - L., 1984. - 136 p.

169. Eagleton T. Literary theory: An introduction. - Oxford 1983 — 244 p.

170. Easthope A. British post-structuralism since 1968 — L.; N.Y., 1988.-XIV.255p.

171. Easthope A. Poetry and phantasy. - Cambridge 1989 — VII 227 p.

171a. Federman R. Take it or leave it: An exaggerated second-hand tale to be read aloud either standing or sitting. - N.Y., 1976. - ca. 500 p.

172. Felman Sh. Le scandale du corps parlant: «Don Juan» avec Austin ou La seduction en deux lang. - P., 1980. - 222 p.

173. Felperin H. Beyond deconstruction: The uses a. abuses of. Lit theory. - Oxford, 1985. - (7), 226 р.

174. Feminism and psychoanalysis. / Ed. by Feldstein R. Roof J — Ithaca; L.,1989. -XII, 359 p.

175. Finas L. et al. Ecarts: Quatre essais a propos de Jacques Derrida — P., 1973.-324 p

176. Les fins de l'homme: A partir du travail de Jacques Derrida. Colloque de Cerisy, 23 juillaout 1980. / Dir. par Lacoue- Labarthe, Nancy J. - P., 1981. - 698 p.

177. Flores R. The rhetoric of doubtful authority: Deconstructive readings of self-questioning narratives. St.Augustine to Faulkner. Ithaca; L., 1984. - 175 p.

178. Fokkema D. W. Literary history, modernism, and postmodernism. Amsterdam, 1984. - VIII, 63 p.

179. Fokkema D. W. The semantic and syntactic organisation of postmodernist texts. // Approaching postmodernism. / Ed. by Fokkema D. W., Bertens H. - Amsterdam; Philadelphia, 1986. - P. 81–98.

180. Foucault M. L'Archeologie du savoire. - P., 1969. - 275 p.

181. Foucault M. The archeology of knowledge. - L., 1972. - (5), 218р.

182. Foucault M. The birth of the clinic: An archeology of medical reception. - N.Y., 1973. - XIX, 215 p.

183. Foucault M. FoUe et deraison: Histoire de la foUe a Page classique. -P., 1961. -673р.

184. Foucault M. Histoire de la folie a l'age classique. - P., 1972. - 613 P-

185. Foucault M. Histoire de la sexualite: La volonte de savoir. - P., 1976. -VoL I. -211 p.

186. Foucault M. History, discourse and discontinuity. // Salmagundi. N.Y., 1972. - № 20. - P. 223–239.

187. Foucault M. Histoiry of sexuality: An introduction. - N.Y., 1978. - Vol. I. - 168 p.

188. Foucault M. Language, counter-memory, practice: Sel. essays a. interviews. / Ed., pref., a. introd. by Bouchard D. F. - Oxford, 1977. - 240 p.