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Илья Петрович Ильин

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101. Blanchot M. Le ressassement eternel. - P., 1974. - 146 p.

102. Bloom H. The anxiety of influence: A theory of poetry. - N. Y., 1973.- 157р.

103. Bloom H. A map of misreading. - N.Y., 1975. - 206 p.

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105. Bove P. Destructive poetics: Heidegger and mod. Amer. poetry. - N.Y., 1980. -XX, 304 p.

106. Bowie M. Freud, Proust and Lacan: Theory as fiction. - Cambridge, 1987, - 225 p.

107. Brede R. Aussage und Discours: Unters. zur Discours- Theorie bei Michel Foucault. - Frankfurt a.M., 1985. - 196 S.

108. Brehier E. La theorie des incorporels dans l'ancien stoicisme. - 4e ed.-P., 1970.-72 p.

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111. Brooke-Rose Chr. The dissolution of character in the novel. // Reconstructing individualism: Autonomy, individuality, and the self in western thought. - Stanford, 1986. - P. 184–196.

112. Brooke-Rose Chr. A rhetoric of the unreal: Studies in narrative and structure, especially the fantastic. - Cambridge etc., 1981. - VII, 446р.

113. Brown D. The modernist self in twentieth century literature: A study in self-fragmentation. - Baslngstoke; L., 1989. - X, 206 p.

114. Butler Chr. After the Wake: An essay on the contemporary avantgarde. - Oxford, 1980. - XI, 177 p.

115. Butler Chr. Interpretation, deconstruction, and Ideology. - Oxford, 1986. -X, 159р.

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117. Calvet L.-J. Roland Barthes: Un regard politique sur le signe. - P., 1973. - 184 p.

118. Caputo J. P. Radical hermeneutics: Repetition, deconstruction and the hermeneutical project. - Bloomington, 1987. - DC, 319 p.

119. Cavallari H. M. Understanding Foucault: Same sanity / other madness. // Semiotica. - Amsterdam, 1985. - Vol. 56, № 3/4. - P. 315–346.

120. Chase C. Transference as trope and persuaslo. // Discourse in psychoanalysis and literature. / Ed. by Rlramon-Kenan S. - L.; N.Y., 1987. - P. 211–229.

121. Cixous H. Le rire de la Meduse. // Arc. - P., 1975. - № 61. - P. 3–54.

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123. Cressole M. Deleuze. - P., 1973. - 121 p.

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124. Culler J. On deconstruction: Theory and criticism after structuralism. - L. etc., 1983. - 307 p.

125. Culler J. Structuralist poetics: Structuralism, lingistics and the study of literature. - Ithaca.1975. -XDC,301 p,

126. Dallenbach L. Le recit speculaire: Essai sur la mise en abyme. - P., 1977.-247 p.

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127. Deconstruction and criticism. / By Bloom H. et al. - N.Y.,1979. - DC, 256 p.