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Илья Петрович Ильин

219a. Gunn D. Psychoanalysis and fiction: An exploitation of lit. and psychoanalytic borders. - Stanford etc., 1988. -XI, 251 p.

220. Habermas G. Zur Logik der Sozialwissenschaften. - Ftankfurt a. M., 1981.-Bd.I-2.

221. Habermas G. Theorie des kommunikativen Handels. - Frankfurt a. M., 1981.-Bd. 1–2.

222. Halliburton D. Poetic thinking: An approach to Heidegger. - Chicago, 1981. -XII, 235.

223. Handwerk G. J. Irony and ethics in narrative: From Schlegel to Lacan. - New Haven; L., 1985. - 224 p.

224. Hartman G. A. Criticism in the wilderness: The study of lit. today. New Haven; L., 1980. - XI, 323 p.

225. Hartman G. A. Saving the text: Literature, Derrida, philosophy. - Baltimore; L., 1981. -XXVII, 184 p.

226. Hassan I. The dismemberment of Orpheus: Toward a postmodernist literature. - Urbana, 1971. - 297 p.

227. Hassan I. Making sense: The trials of postmodernist discoure. // New lit. history. - Baltimore, 1987. - Vol. 18, № 2. - P. 437–459.

228. Hassan I. Paracriticism: Seven speculations of the times. - Urbana, 1975. -XVIII, 184 p.

229. Hassan I. The right promethean fire: Imagination, science and cultural change. - Urbana, 1980. -XXI, 219 p.

230. Hayman D. Re-forming the narrative: Toward a mechanics of modernist fiction. - Ithaca; L., 1987. - XII, 219 p.

231. Heath S. Anato то. // Screen. - L.,1976. - Vol.l7.N4. - P.49–66.

232. Heath S. Difference // Screen. - L., 1978. - Vol.19, № 3. - P. 51- 112.

233. Heath S. Notes on future. // Screen. - L., 1977. - Vol.18, № 4. - P. 48–76.

234. Heath S. Vertige du deplacement: Lecture de Barthes. - P., 1974. -214р.

235. Heidegger M. Unterwegs zur Sprache. - Pfullingen, 1977. - 269 S.

236. Heidegger M. Vortrage und Aufsatze. - Pfullingen, 1971. - Bd. 2. -283S.

236a. Hofimann G., Homung A., Kunow R. Modern, postmodern and contemporary as criteria for the analysis of 20th century literature. // Amerikastudien. - 1987. - № 22. - S. 19–46.

237. Holenstein E. Roman Jakobson phanomenologischer Strukturalismus. - Frankfurt a. M., 1975. - 213 S.

238. Hoy D. С. The critical circle: Literature and history in contemporary hermeneutics. - Berkeley etc., 1978. - 182 p.

239. Intertextualitat: Formen, Funktionen, anglist. Fallstudien. / Hrsg. von Broich U., Pfister M. - TObingen, 1985. - XII, 373 S.

240. Intertextuality in Faulkner. / Ed. by Gresset M., Folk N. - Jackson, 1985. - 217 p.

241. Irigaray L. Ce sexe qui n'en est pas un. - P., 1977. - 217р.

242. Irigaray L. Speculum, de Fautre femme. - P., 1974. - 468 p.

243. Jameson F. Fables of agression: Wyndham Lewis, the modernist as fascist. - Berkeley, 1979. - 190 p.

244. Jameson F. The ideology of text. // Salmagundi. - N.Y., 1976. - № 31/32. - P. 204–246.

245. Jameson F. Imaginary and symbolic in Lacan: Marxism, psychoanalytic criticism, and the problem of the subject. // Yale French studies. - New Haven, 1977. - № 55/56. - P. 338–395.

246. Jameson F. The political unconscious: Narrative as a socially symbolic act. - Ithaca, 1981. - 296 p.

247. Jameson F. Postmodernism and consumer society. // The antiaeshetic: Essays on postmodern culture. / Ed. by Forster H. - Port Townsend, 1984.-P. 111–126.