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Клайв Стейплз Льюис

"Leave out all these idle words in your own praise," interrupted the Tarkaan. - Не хвали себя, - прервал его тархан.
"It is enough to know that you took the child - and have had ten times the worth of his daily bread out of him in labour, as anyone can see. - Ты взял младенца, и он отработал тебе вдесятеро твою скудную пищу.
And now tell me at once what price you put on him, for I am wearied with your loquacity." Теперь скажи мне цену, ибо я устал от твоего пусторечия.
"You yourself have wisely said," answered Arsheesh, "that the boy's labour has been to me of inestimable value. This must be taken into account in fixing the price. - Ты мудро заметил, господин, - сказал рыбак, -что труд его выгоден мне.
For if I sell the boy I must undoubtedly either buy or hire another to do his work." Если я продам этого отрока, я должен купить или нанять другого.
"I'll give you fifteen crescents for him," said the Tarkaan. - Даю тебе пятнадцать полумесяцев, - сказал тархан.
"Fifteen!" cried Arsheesh in a voice that was something between a whine and a scream. - Пятнадцать! - взвыл Аршиш.
"Fifteen! For the prop of my old age and the delight of my eyes! - Пятнадцать монет за усладу моих очей и опору моей старости!
Do not mock my grey beard, Tarkaan though you be. Не смейся надо мною, я сед.
My price is seventy." Моя цена - семьдесят полумесяце?..
At this point Shasta got up and tiptoed away. Тут Шаста поднялся и тихо ушел.
He had heard all he wanted, for he had open listened when men were bargaining in the village and knew how it was done. Он знал, как люди торгуются.
He was quite certain that Arsheesh would sell him in the end for something much more than fifteen crescents and much less than seventy, but that he and the Tarkaan would take hours in getting to an agreement. Он знал, что Аршиш выручит за него больше пятнадцати монет, но меньше семидесяти, и что спор протянется не один час.
You must not imagine that Shasta felt at all as you and I would feel if we had just overheard our parents talking about selling us for slaves. Не думайте, что Шаста чувствовал то самое, что почувствовали бы мы, если бы наши родители решили нас продать.
For one thing, his life was already little better than slavery; for all he knew, the lordly stranger on the great horse might be kinder to him than Arsheesh. Жизнь его была не лучше рабства, и тархан мог оказаться добрее, чем Аршиш.
For another, the story about his own discovery in the boat had filled him with excitement and with a sense of relief. К тому же, он очень обрадовался, узнав свою историю.
He had often been uneasy because, try as he might, he had never been able to love the fisherman, and he knew that a boy ought to love his father. And now, apparently, he was no relation to Arsheesh at all. That took a great weight off his mind. "Why, I might be anyone!" he thought. Он часто сокрушался прежде, что не может любить рыбака, и когда понял, что тот ему чужой, с души его упало тяжкое бремя.