Donald began to mount the stairs. Mor followed after him and went with him into his bedroom. The door closed behind them. | Дональд отправился вверх по ступенькам. |
Nan went into the kitchen. | Нэн пошла в кухню. |
She nodded to Tim Burke to come with her. | Она кивнула Тиму, чтобы шел за ней. |
She put the kettle on the stove, and a saucepan to boil the egg. | Поставила на плиту чайник и кастрюльку. |
She lit the gas. | Включила газ. |
Then she looked towards Tim Burke. | Посмотрела на Тима. |
He was sitting beside the table in an attitude of dejection. | Тот сидел около стола с отрешенным видом. |
He would not meet her eye. | Он не ответил на ее взгляд. |
Felicity was sitting by herself on the stairs, half-way up. | Фелисити в одиночестве сидела на ступеньках. |
From the kitchen she could hear the noise of crockery and of the hissing gas. | Снизу, из кухни слышалось шипение газа и позвякивание посуды. |
From up above she could hear the quiet sound of voices as Mor and Donald were talking in the bedroom. | Сверху, из комнаты Дональда, приглушенные голоса брата и отца. |
Everything was all right now. | Значит, теперь все хорошо. |
Why was it then that she was starting to cry? | Тогда почему же слезы наворачиваются на глаза? |
She fumbled in her clothes until she found a handkerchief. | Она долго копалась в карманах и наконец отыскала платок. |
Her eyes were filled with tears and soon they were streaming down her face. | Слезы уже во всю текли по щекам. |
She gave a little sob into her handkerchief. | Она прижала платок к глазам. |
Everything was all right now. | Но ведь все хорошо. |
It was all right. | Все хорошо. |
It was all right. | Все хорошо. |