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60. Shumaker, S.A. and Hill, D.R. (1991) “Gender Differences in Social Support and Physical Health”, Health Psychology 10: 102-11.

61. Barbee, Anita P., et al. (1993) “Effects of Gender Role Expectations on the Social Support Process”, Journal of Social Issues 49(3): 175(16).

62. Smythe, M. and Huddleston, B. “Competition and Collaboration: Male and Female Communication Patterns During Dyadic Interactions. Constructing and Reconstructing Gender”, Albany: State University of New York Press.

63. Moller, Lora C, et al. (1992) “Sex Typing in Play and Popularity in Middle Childhood”, Sex Roles: A Journal of Research 26(7/8): 331(23).

64. See note 63.

65. James, Deborah, and Drakich, Janice (1989) “Understanding Gender Differences in Amount of Talk” Ms., Linguistics Department, University of Toronto.

66. James and Drakich, “Understanding Gender Differences”.

67. Lakoff, Robin (1975) Language and Woman's Place, New York: Harper and Row.

68. Lakoff, (1975) Language and Woman's Place.

69. Spender, D. (1985) Man Made Language, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.

70. Dupont, Kay (1997) Handling Diversity in the Workplace, American Media Publishing.

71. Nalini, Ambady and Rosenthal, Robert. (1993) “Half a Minute: Predicting Teacher Evaluations from Thin Slices of Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Attractivenes”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 64(3): 431(11).

72. Sobal, J. and Stunkard, AJ. (1989) “Socioeconomic status and obesity: A Review of the Literature”, Psychological Bulletin 105: 260-75.

73. Anderson, J.L., Crawford, C.B., Nadeau, J. and Lindberg, T. (1992) “Was the Duchess of Windsor Right: A Cross-cultural Review of the Socioecology of Ideals of Female Body Shape”, Ethology and Sociobiology 13: 197–227.

74. Harrison, Kristen (1997) “Does Interpersonal Attraction to Thin Media Personalities Promote Eating Disorders?”, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 41(4): 478(23).

75. Smith, Jane E. et al. (1990) “ Single White Male Looking for Thin, Very Attractive…”, Sex Roles 23: 675-85.

76. Barber, Nigel (1998) “Secular Changes in Standards of Bodily Attractiveness in American Women: Different Masculine and Feminine Ideals”, Journal of Psychology 132(1): 87(8).

77. Wiederman, Michael W. and Hurst, Shannon R. (1998) “Body Size, Physical Attractiveness, and Body Image among Young Adult Women: Relationships to Sexual Experience and Sexual Esteem”, Journal of Sex Research 35(3): 272(10).

78. Czechowicz, H. and Diaz de Chumaceiro, C.L. (1988) “Psychosomatics of Beauty and Ugliness: Theoretical Implications of the Systems Approach”, Clinical Dermatology 6(3): 9-14.

79. Hasart, Julie K. and Hutchinson, Kevin L. (1997) “The Effects of Eyeglasses on Perceptions of Interpersonal Attraction”, Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 8(3): 521-8.

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