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Лейл Лаундес

32. Goode, Erica (1998) “Social Anxiety, Old as Society Itself, New York Times, 20 October. 33 Noriyuki, Duane (1996) Breaking Down the Walls”, Los Angeles Times, 5 February.

34. Lowndes, Leil (1996) How to Make Anyone Fall in Love With You, New York: Contemporary Books.

35. Walster, E., Walster, W.G. and Berscheid, E. (1978) Equity: Theory and Research. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

36. Morman, Mark. T. and Floyd, K. (1998) Source: Sex Roles: “Oven Expression of Affection in Male-male Interaction”, Journal of Research 38(9/10): 871(11); Ekman, E. and Friesen, W.V. (1969) “The Repertoire of Nonverbal Behavior: Categories, Origins, Usage, and Coding”, Semiotica 1: 49–98.

37. Rabinowitz, F.E. (199D “The Male-to-Male Embrace: Breaking the Touch Taboo in a Men's Therapy Group”, Journal of Counseling and Development 69: 574-76.

38. Shetland, R. et al. (1988) “Can Men and Women Differentiate Between Friendly and Sexually Interested Behavior?”, Social Psychology Quarterly 51(1): 66–73.

39. La Fontana, Kathryn M. and Cillessen, Antonius H.N. (1999) “Children's Interpersonal Perceptions as a Function of Sociometric and Peer-Perceived Popularity”, Journal of Genetic Psychology 160(2) June: 225(1).

40. Adler, P.A., Kless, S.J. and Adler, P. (1992) “Socialization to Gender Roles: Popularity among Elementary School Boys and Girls”, Sociology of Education 65: 169-87.

41. New York Times, 24 April 1999, p. 14.

42. See note 27 above.

43. Mitchell, W. (1988) It's Not What Happens to You, It's What You Do About It, New York: Phoenix Press.

44. See note 43.

45. The title of one of W. Mitchell's inspirational speeches.

46. Murstein, Bernard I. (1980) “Love at First Sight: A Myth”, Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality 14(9).

47. Margaret Mead (1935) Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies, New York: William Morrow.

48. Liebowitz, M.R. (1983) The Chemistry of Love, Boston: Little, Brown.

49. Murray, Sandra L. and Holmes, John G. (19XX) “Seeing Virtues in Faults: Negativity and the Transformation of Interpersonal Narratives in Close Relationships”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 65(4): 707(16).

50. Helen Fisher (1989) “The Four-Year Itch”, Natural History (October): 22-3.

51. Liebowitz, Chemistry of Love.

52. Liebowitz, Chemistry of Love.

53. Dutton, D.G. and Aron, A.P. (1974) “Some Evidence for Heightened Sexual Attraction under Conditions of High Anxiety”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 30: 510-17.

54. Byrne, Donn (1971) The Attraction Paradigm, New York: Academic Press.

55. Byrne, Donn, et al. (1970) 'Continuity Between the Experimental Study of Attraction and Real-Life Computer Dating', Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1:157-65.

56. Perper, Timothy (1985) Sex Signals: The Biology of Love, Philadelphia: ISI Press.

57. Perper, Sex Signals.

58. Oguchi, Takashi, et al. (1997) 'Voice and Interpersonal Attraction', Japanese Psychological Research 39(1) (March): 56–61.

59. Bruder-Mattson, S.F. and Hovanitz, C.A. (1990) “Coping and Attributional Styles as Predictors of Depression”, journal of Clinical Psychology 46: 557-65.