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Condit, C. M. (2010). Public attitudes and beliefs about genetics. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics, 11, 339–359; Calnan, M., Montaner, D., & Horne, R. (2005). How acceptable are innovative health-care technologies? A survey of public beliefs and attitudes in England and Wales. Social Science & Medicine, 60, 1937–1948; Shepherd, R., Barnett, J., Cooper, H., Coyle, A., Moran-Ellis, J., Senior, V., et al. (2007). Towards an understanding of British public attitudes concerning human cloning. Social Science & Medicine, 65, 377–392; The Wellcome Trust (1998). Public perspectives on human cloning. Medicine Society Programme ().


Tachibana, M., Amato, P., Sparman, M., Gutierrez, N. M., Tippner-Hedges, R., Ma, H., et al. (2013). Human embryonic stem cells derived by somatic cell nuclear transfer. Cell, 153, 1228–1238.


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Ishino, Y., Shinagawa, H., Makino, K., Amemura, M., & Nakata, A. (1987). Nucleotide sequence of the iap gene, responsible for alkaline phosphatase isozyme conversion in Escherichia coli, and identification of the gene product. Journal of Bacteriology, 169, 5429–5433.


Английское название (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) дает аббревиатуру CRISPR. Прим. перев.


Английское название (CRISPR associated protein # 9) дает аббревиатуру Cas9. Прим. перев.


Barrangou, R., Fremaux, C., Deveau, H., Richards, M., Boyaval, P., Moineau, S., et al. (2007). CRISPR provides acquired resistance against viruses in prokaryotes. Science, 315, 1709–1712; Hsu, P. D., Lander, E. S., & Zhang, F. (2014). Development and applications of CRISPR-Cas9 for genome engineering. Cell, 157, 1262–1278; Jinek, M., Chylinski, K., Fonfara, I., Hauer, M., Doudna, J. A., & Charpentier, E. (2012). A programmable dual-RNA-guided DNA endonuclease in adaptive bacterial immunity. Science, 337, 816–821. ОбзорыCRISPR, написанные простым языком, см.: Pollack, A. (11.05.2015). Jennifer Doudna, a pioneer who helped simplify genome editing. New York Times (); Kahn, J. (09.11.2015). The Crispr quandary. New York Times ().