Читать «SUPER JUMP. Искусство победы без борьбы» онлайн - страница 42

Владимир Викторович Довгань

Ещё раз напомню, пожалуй, лучший рецепт победы над депрессией от великого Сократа: «В каждом человеке есть солнце, только дайте ему светить».

Депрессию победить достаточно просто: не борись с тьмой, а позволь светить своему внутреннему солнцу. Дорогой друг, направь свои силы и время на создание совершенного самого себя, зажги в себе солнце, и ты одержишь триумфальную победу без борьбы.

Вы только представьте перекошенную, испуганную, вонючую рожу депрессии, которая слышит ваши слова: «Я начинаю Интеллект-тренировки!» О! Это зрелище вы запомните на всю жизнь. Ядовитое чудовище, засунув от страха три свои головы себе в задницу, убегает от вас, поджав хвост со скоростью света.

От всего сердца желаю вам и вашим близким удачи, процветания и благополучия!


Los Angeles, USA

My name is Paul Ramsey, age 59, and I live in Los Angeles, California, USA.

And I would like to tell you how Super Jump has completely changed my life. However, for you to truly appreciate this, I think it's important to tell you of a few things about my life experiences before Super Jump. Before Super Jump I had experienced several hardships and traumatic experiences that kept pushing my spark for life and happiness deeper inside of me:

1. As a child, I was physically and verbally abused by my mother, a woman who did not choose for herself a decent and respectful life.

2. I had a near-death experience at the age of 5 when I almost drowned underneath a frozen lake,

3. I witnessed the death of two of my childhood best friends. One at age 6, and the other at age 12. Both of them were struck and killed by a car.

4. There was death of my first wife, and mother of my 2 children, at age 38 from Cancer,

5. I lost many close friends during 2 wars that I also served in, and so I saw many horrific things,

6. Then, after serving 3 years in Afghanistan, I had developed PTSD; Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Which I had for over 10 years.

There are 5 main types of PTSD, and I had tested positive in all 5 types. Did this mean that I was crazy or emotionally unstable - not at all. However, it did leave me with a few disorders. My main symptoms were:

1. Nightmares - reliving for years the horrors of war;

2. Feelings of guilt and shame - having survived when many friends did not;

3. Trouble falling to sleep or staying asleep;

4. Easily irritated during stressful situations;

5. And, a feeling of apathy about life in general.

Then I was introduced to Super Jump! Now my spark for life has returned, I am happy, and confident, and free to live again! How did Super Jump accomplish this? It was through the practice of the 8 pearl exercises. I performed these exercises with an open mind and heart, certain that these would help me. So, I placed my trust and faith in the process and committed myself to completely engage in them. Very soon, within a matter of days, my faith became sight, and my trust became belief. I could feel all these bad feelings peeling away like layers of dead skin. Not only did it reveal the me that I once, but it developed an even better version of the old me.